This week on Gotham: Mad City: The Executioner....

GCPD is madness as the guests from the engagement party are being questioned about the murder. Jim asks Leslie about running into Barnes and she knows Jim is up to something. He tells Bullock his theory about Barnes and Bullock doesn’t buy into it at all. Jim knows Barnes has been off and he wants to find out the truth. Jim hopes he is wrong about Barnes. If only Jim knew how right he really was.

Barnes has completely given into the virus and has apprehended three criminals. He tells them he has files on all of them and that he is here for his unique brand of justice. “I am the law!” he yells at them as he kills them. Justice is served…according to Barnes.

Oswald and Edward are having breakfast and Edward is nervous he hasn’t heard from Isabella. He gets a phone call from GCPD who want to see him immediately. Edward is devastated to learn of Isabella’s death. Oswald is playing dumb and offers his “sympathy.”

Ivy is enjoying herself and her new look as she seduces an antiquities dealer. She steals a necklace from him and knocks him out. She goes to visit Selina who is shocked to see her alive. Bruce is also shocked to see her alive and they want to know why Ivy is back. She thinks she might in trouble after stealing the necklace. Two masked men arrive at Selina’s squat and chase after them.

Jim is searching Barnes’ office and finds files about Tetch on his desk when Barnes surprises him. Barnes knows Jim was the first responder to the Simon crime scene. Barnes gives a fake story about the mob possibly being the ones to kill Simon and he wants Jim to go with him to a warehouse where this man “Sugar” would be. They drive to the warehouse and Barnes wants Jim to interview him, so he can be cleared as a suspect. Barnes tells Jim that Gotham City is at a crossroads and needs men like him to bend the law and fight to make the city better. He wants to know if Jim will join him on this crusade? Talk about an awkward car ride. It is obvious that Jim knows Barnes is lying and that Barnes is suspicious of Jim.

Oswald is having a portrait painted of himself while Edward is mourning Isabella. Oswald wants Edward to heal and move on from her. Edward knows the only way to do this is to visit the place where Isabella died. He places flowers on the tracks and is suspicious. A homeless man tells him he heard Isabella screaming before the crash. He also finds out that Isabella’s brake lines were cut. He has a suspicion of who did this.      

Barnes and Jim have arrived and confront Sugar. He denies any involvement in Simon’s murder and Barnes ultimately believes he didn’t kill him. He doesn’t believe his innocence and shoots him and then points his shotgun at Jim. Barnes knows Jim is investigating him and admits to killing Simon and Paulie Pennies. He tells Jim he is the law and he is doing this for the good of the city. Barnes wants Jim to join him or he will frame him. Jim knows he is infected with the Tetch virus. Jim refuses and says he will stand against Barnes and escapes as Barnes shoots at him.

Bruce tells Ivy he will buy the necklace from her and return it to the dealer. They arrive at the dealer’s house and find him dead with an arrow through his eye. They wonder why the necklace is so important and when it breaks, they realize it is actually a key. Selina is nervous and tells them they need to leave now. Bruce tells them they should go to his mansion where they will be safe. “You just had to come back.”—Selina’s quote about Ivy. One of my favorite quotes from this episode.

Barnes continues to chase Jim while he calls Bullock and tells him that Barnes has gone mad. Bullock tells Leslie this and they realize they are the only people that Jim can trust. Barnes is finally able to corner Jim in the warehouse. They hear sirens approaching as Barnes tells him this is the end of the line. Jim wants to help him. The GCPD and Bullock arrive and they are there to arrest Barnes. He begs Jim to let him go. He tells Jim he is the type of man this city needs. Jim refuses to stand down and they both shoot their guns at each other. Barnes was hit in the shoulder and apprehended by GCPD.  

Edward confronts Oswald and Oswald tries to distract him by showing him the portrait of himself (with Edward in the background). Edward ignores this and knows that Isabella was murdered. Edward suspects that Butch murdered her as revenge for exposing him as the leader of the Red Hood Gang. Oswald is surprised and also looks relieved to hear this. If only Edward knew the truth about what happened…

Jim thanks Leslie for helping him out. It appears that things are less awkward between them. It is very obvious that they still have feelings for each other. Jim and Bullock look at Barnes’ empty office. Jim thanks Bullock for believing him. I wonder who the next Captain of the GCPD will be.

Barnes is the newest inmate at Arkham Asylum. He is sitting inside his cell being restrained and has a look of rage on his face as he keeps screaming the word “GUILTY!”