The Flash returned with Barry going up against Alchemy for the first time. After Wally begins experiencing memories of being Kid Flash, Barry has to tell him what happened in order to keep him safe. However, Alchemy is determined to give Wally his powers and sends in a red herring to distract the team.

The newest metahuman is a ghost called Shade, who is able to kill without leaving DNA evidence behind. In order to distract the team while they are keeping watch over Wally, he goes after spectators at a movie night in the park.

In addition to the team dealing with Alchemy and Shade, Caitlin also reveals her metahuman powers to Cisco. She does not want anyone else to know but Cisco does not want anyone to keep secrets from each other.

Just when you thought there were enough bad guys, another twist occurred in the story. We don’t know what will happen with the newest villains, but we’re looking forward to seeing what happens next. For now, check out these top ten moments from “Shade.”

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