On this week's Gotham: Mad City: Time Bomb....
Leslie, Mario and Falcone are discussing tomorrow night’s rehearsal dinner. Falcone was sorry to hear about Captain Barnes and Leslie mentions they are working on developing a cure for the Tetch virus. They are preparing to leave when Mario’s car explodes. Jim and Bullock arrive on the scene and Falcone wants to know who did this. Falcone is staying retired and tells Jim he will give him one day to find out who is behind this. Jim has his work cut out for him. I’m always glad to see Falcone. With so many enemies…who took the shot at Falcone?
Oswald is meeting with some associates when Barbara crashes the meeting and wants to know what happened to Tabitha and Butch. Oswald claims he has no idea (he obviously does). Oswald then calls Edward. Edward has kidnapped Butch and Tabitha and looks like he has some evil intentions. Butch and Tabitha are innocent in this situation. Will they both survive?
Inside GCPD Lucius tells Jim and Bullock that whoever planted this bomb seemed to be professionals. Jim suspects maybe the mob isn’t involved with this. They check a lead on a guy named Fuse and find him dead in his apartment. They also find a file with pictures and discover that Falcone isn’t the target…Mario is. Meanwhile, Mario is walking outside of work when two assassins on a motorcycle attempt to kill him. Jim Gordon arrives at the right time and is able to save Mario.
Alfred is making breakfast for Selina and Bruce. Bruce continues to try and discover what the key represents and who it belongs to. Ivy is in the conservatory (of course) and uses a potion she has been developing to convince Alfred to disable the alarm so she can leave. Selina places the key in vinegar as her and Bruce talk about how they each define their “relationship.” They take the key out of the vinegar and Bruce notices the owl on the key. The Court of Owls! They discover that Ivy is gone and they get a call from the men who have kidnapped Ivy. Three people already kidnapped today. Just another day in Gotham City.
Barbara goes to Oswald’s mansion to talk with the maid and find out some information. The maid doesn’t like Edward. She also makes a comment about Oswald’s true feelings for Edward. Barbara also has a receipt for where Edward got his supplies.
Edward is continuing his revenge torture. He wants to emotionally cripple them before he kills Butch. He has purchased a device that will make Tabitha decide Butch’s fate. He gives her one minute to decide if she wants to save her hand or Butch’s life. Barbara is also getting very close to finding out where Edward is. Butch loves Tabitha…but how much does Tabitha love Butch?
Jim tells Mario to stay at GCPD and stay out of sight. Jim tells Bullock to keep an eye on Mario. Jim meets with Falcone and tells him that Mario is the actual target. He also thinks that since this looked professional, maybe Mario is mixed up in something. Jim finds Mario at the diamond store and something is off with Mario. They argue for a minute before the motorcycle assassins return and try to kill Mario again. They are able to fight them off and Jim arrests one of them. That rage looked very familiar. Is Mario infected with a certain virus that seems to be going around Gotham?
Alfred, Bruce and Selina go into the sewers and find Ivy. They also find a man named Luka who leads The Whisper Gang. They are Gotham’s most notorious smugglers and they have a complicated history with The Court of Owls. They are seeking revenge against them. They know that the key opens a safe but don’t know what is inside. Bruce is going to stand down anymore and wants to take down The Court of Owls.
Butch is begging Edward to not make Tabitha do this. The clock is ticking and it seems Tabitha isn’t sure what she is going to do. Butch says his last words to Tabitha then threatens Edward and Edward notices that Butch describes differently Isabella’s death. The timer stops and Tabitha looks at Butch, drops the button and the device cuts off her hand. She is shocked as Butch pleads with Edward to let them go. Barbara arrives and is horrified at what she walked into. It looks like Tabitha does really love Butch.
The assassin that was arrested is being held in the interrogation room. Jim noticed something was off with Mario and wants him to talk to Leslie when she arrives at GCPD. Falcone slips into the interrogation room and attacks the assassin. He pulls his tooth and notices an owl on it. He knows this former associate. He tells Jim to forget about this entire situation.
Barbara and Butch are rushing Tabitha to the hospital so they can attach her hand back. Barbara has a theory about who killed Isabella. She thinks it was the same man who has feelings for Edward (Oswald). She tells Butch they just need to start a war and this can work in their favor.
The Court of Owls are busy tonight. They dispose of Luka on the docks while Kathryn meets with Falcone. They had a shaky alliance and Kathryn is giving Falcone any answers about anything. Falcone promises if his son is harmed, Gotham will burn. Kathryn and The Court of Owls don’t seem to fear Falcone. It seems that the entire city is on the brink of madness. And The Mad Hatter is locked up in Arkham!
Jim gets a visit from Leslie which appears to be some closure. Jim is sorry he couldn’t give her the life he wanted to and just wants her to be happy. Leslie says good-bye and kisses him and leaves. She is walking into a cab and we see that Mario is watching her from a distance. He then attacks two guys walking down the street. We can see the rage and we hear the voices in his head. Mario is infected with the Tetch virus….