Given so much blood has spilled on hospital grounds, Munsch supports Chanel's idea in hosting a blood drive to offset the news of the murders that have taken place.

Meanwhile, we get a special interior monologue from Nurse Hoffel, who so happens to be related to the maid in season one of Scream Queens. The plot thickens, but let's not jump to conclusions just yet.

As Nurse Hoffel makes her announcement, the Chanels hilariously interrupt her one by one.

“Excuse me, Nurse Awful! Why are we all standing out here for an announcement? Haven't you heard of inner office memos or group emails?” Chanel Oberlin disrupts the nurse at the start.

“Wait,” Chanel #5 chimes in. “Are you announcing Employee of the Month? Because I think having a machete driven through half of my body should be counted towards point totals.”

Dr. Holt leaves the outdoor gathering and prompts those around him to notify him if he wins Employee of the Month.

A frustrated Nurse Hoffel tells the crowd to shut up after #5 points out that those not present shouldn't get the award.

However, the announcement really is that the blood drive has turned into a contest. Whichever employee collects the most blood would win a trip to Blood Island.

The Chanel squad squeal in unison, but Nurse Hoffel has an ulterior motive.

Back inside the hospital, Zayday gets to drawing #5's blood but realizes that she could screen every staff member's blood. If someone in the hospital is the offspring from the mother at the party, back when the original murders occurred, they could narrow down the killer.

Speaking of killer, as Dr. Holt plays knife games with his transplant hand (you don't want to know), Chanel walks in, subjected to every sexually transmitted disease test there is from the handsome doctor.

Chanel, hoping for a romantic escape to Blood Island with Dr. Holt, is crestfallen at the sight of this paperwork to get tested, but is put at ease with the doctor's explanation.

Later in the night, Chanel gets a surprise when Hester stands over her bed holding a knife. The Queen Bee demands the meaning of holding a knife over her, to which Hester retorts, “I'm bored sitting around this apartment all day. Why don't you guys have any cable?”

Chanel calls not having cable a millennial problem but when Hester gets bored, she tries to think of ways to kill people.

On the bright side, Hester gets let out of the apartment on one condition: she helps Munsch cure a patient, who thinks he's a vampire.

With Hester's crazy brain, she figures out the patient's disease. The bad news? It's incurable. The good news? Hester finds that aversion therapy would help our resident Edward Cullen detest blood.

Elsewhere, Chanel keeps busy, given that she's out of the contest. After being embarrassed in front of Dr. Holt for testing positive for all the STDs, Munsch has forced her to start over, but between the Green Meanie coming for another victim, Nurse Hoffel going after the Chanels, and another killer on the loose, the blood drive comes to a dramatic conclusion.

Thoughts to Ponder Until the Next Episode:

- Are you surprised there are three killers on the loose? Do you think it's Hester or another suspect?

-Now that Dr. Holt has been accused of being the killer, do you think that will trigger him to hold a grudge?

-With Chanel #9 dead, is it safe to say that the next suspect will be the other Chanel pledges?

-Is Munsch's overall plan just to put a wedge between Dr. Holt and Chanel, or does she have a bigger plan?

-If O-positive is the most common blood type, it seems unusual that Dr. Holt is the only one with that blood type in the hospital. Do you think Dr. Cassidy made a slip-up with switching the labels around?

Tune into Scream Queens every Tuesday at 9/8c on Fox.