Chrissy Metz contract states that she must lose weight for This Is Us.

This Is Us actress Chrissy Metz, 36, shares she must follow her character, Kate, on her weight loss journey, according to her contract which states she must lose weight.

This means that the actress must "[start] incorporating a better eating regimen" which will change the lifestyle of Kate as well as Metz.

Metz told TVLine, “In our contract, it did state that that would be a part of it, to lose the weight in the trajectory of the character as she comes to find herself. That was a win-win for me. Because it’s one thing to try to do it on your own. But as human beings, it’s an ego thing: We’re more likely to do something for someone else.”

The actress has been inspired by her co-star, Milo Ventmiglia.

According to People, his fitness regimen is what is motivating Metz to get into shape. She reveals that her co-star has been working with a trainer, Jason Walsh who is the founder of the Rise Nation, for the past seven years and says "he doesn't look too bad. I’m really excited about starting that. I think it’s 35 to 40 minutes, and you don’t have to kill yourself to see results.”

The actress has always had trouble losing weight growing up, revealing "I’ve had pictures of when I was 3 and 4 years old, and I’ve always been chubby.”

The actress emphasized that she's not doing this because “I think that plus size, curvy, voluptuous, big bodies aren’t attractive — because I think they’re awesome and sexy … I’m not selling out the big girls. I don’t do that. That’s not me."

While the actress loves her body, this is a choice about health.