On the latest episode of The Big Bang Theory, Amy suggests to Sheldon that they redecorate Penny’s apartment since they are living there now. Sheldon agrees and wants to bring all of his stuff in from across the hall, but Amy thinks they should start small and just move some furniture. She also thinks that they should give Penny some of her stuff back. That is when Sheldon mentions the artwork on Penny’s wall. Hanging there is the large, unflattering painting Amy gave Penny of the two of them. Amy is excited that she will be able to give it to her again since it’s such a masterpiece that Penny must love so much. Much like the first time, Penny is not excited about it.

Penny tries to get Amy to keep the painting since she is in it too, but it isn’t working. This makes Sheldon decides that he and Leonard should go through their mutual items and divvy them up. Sheldon, who is bad at sharing since he skipped kindergarten, comes up with a reason why he should keep basically everything. Leonard knows that there will be no arguing with him so he feels he has no choice but to let him take everything. Out of spite, Leonard declares he is going keep the official flag of their apartment. This upsets Sheldon because he designed it and Leonard doesn’t even like flags. Sheldon points out that he doesn’t even know the symbolism. Leonard explains that the blue color is Sheldon being miserable and the lion with his tongue sticking out is himself being happy about it. Sheldon gets angry and storms out.

To get back at Leonard, Sheldon changes the Wi-Fi password. When Sheldon refuses to change it back, Leonard decides to do his laundry wearing nothing but the flag as a garment. Sheldon fires back by renting his old room, which is paid for until the end of the month, to an old man named Theodore who can’t produce a form of ID.

Eventually, Leonard storms across the hall and confronts Sheldon. He doesn’t understand how he can treat him this way after they lived together for 13 years. Seeing them argue, Theodore speculates that the fighting is out of love. The new living arrangements are a big change and it’s easier to fight than confront their feelings. Both of them agree that they miss each other. Sheldon tells Leonard that he can keep the flag and not only because his genitals rubbed on it.

In tonight’s sub plot, Stuart asks Howard and Bernadette if he can live with them since he was evicted. They aren’t so sure since the baby is coming, but Stuart assures them it will be helpful to have him around. They decide that he can stay for a few days to see how it goes.

Later, Raj comes over and joins them all for dinner. He ends up getting jealous that Stuart is helping them just like he was. They come to an agreement that they can both help out Howard and Bernadette. They start arguing over who will be doing what as they are both eager to assist. In the midst of their arguing, Bernadette goes into labor. They all rush to take her to the hospital. The baby is on the way!