Amidst making appointments of various cabinet positions and gearing up to solve the United States' issues, President-elect Donald Trump found time to meet with Kanye West.

The topic of the discussion? "...Life," according to video footage of the two in the lobby of Trump Tower. While Trump maintained his friendly bantor with the media, indicating that he and West were long-time friends, West remained surprisingly quiet during the media storm that followed their meeting, saying only, "I just want to have my picture taken right now." Later, he broke the silence with a series of tweets, noting that the discussion between he and Trump included multicultural issues, bullying and violence in Chicago among other concerns.

The meeting was requested by West according to an email from Trump spokesperson, Hope Hicks to the New York Times that read, “The meeting was requested by Kanye and we were delighted to host him.”

The appearance by West in New York City is one of only a handful of outings the rapper has made since his release from UCLA Medical Center after a nine-day stint for dehydration and severe exhaustion.