Jennifer Aniston has just shattered the hopes of Friends fans by saying that a reunion won't be happening, but at least the reruns will be there for you.

During an interview with ITV’s Lorraine Kelly on Thursday, Dec 1, Aniston said that a reunion is not in the cards and claimed that the technology age doesn't coincide with the hit show. The actress believes that Friends wouldn't work today because it's about the connection of personal conversations, not checking Facebook and Instagram for updates.

"I don't know what we would do, I think that period of time was sort of nostalgic, you know, there's something about a time - and I think why people have such an affection for it - there was something about a time when our faces weren't shoved into cell phones and we weren't checking Facebook and Instagram," Aniston said. "We were in a room together, or in a coffee shop together and we were talking. And we've lost that."

Aniston also confessed that while there won't be a reunion, not hearing the show's theme song again is a good thing since the cast didn't really like the theme song in the first place.

The first episode of Friends aired in 1994 and the show ran for 10 seasons before the finale where the gang went out for one last cup of coffee.