This week on Emerald City, Dorothy has to escape West’s clutches and Lucas finds out more about his shady past.

The Munchkin warrior drags Dorothy through the Oz brothel and gives her to West. What will she do to Dorothy for killing her sister?

Jack rides in a carriage with King and Lady Ev. He’s indentured to her for the cost of his metal. The king seems rather forgetful. Perhaps it is Lady Ev who truly rules the kingdom.

The head of the Wizard’s guard brings Lucas, now Rowan, and Sylvie to his home. The guard wants to clear Rowan’s name. He’s wanted as a traitor for a witchcraft insurgency. He insists Rowan stay in his home, then collapses from his gunshot wound. Rowan calls for help.

Credit: David Lukacs/NBC

The warrior made a deal to trade Dorothy for releasing his wife from the Prison of the Abject. West tells him to return tomorrow. Tip sees that West has Dorothy but says nothing. West asks Dorothy how she killed her sister and Dorothy points her towards the gun in her bag. West points the gun at Dorothy and pulls the trigger, but nothing happens. The clip fell out. West thinks she’s lying and knocks her over the head. How will she get free?

The Wizard wants the kingdom of Ev to build him an armory to kill the Beast. He dismisses the princess as an obstinate child.

Glinda wants West to wait for her to continue Dorothy’s interrogation. Tip makes West her tea. West directs another woman to take her chamber pot. The woman glares daggers at Tip. Tip asks West who she is and is told Tip has taken her place as West’s favorite. This might not be a good situation for Tip.

Sylvie wakes Lucas with a start. She calls him by the name Dorothy gave him. She tells him where Dorothy is and can feel it in her heart. Is she a witch or some other kind of magic user?

West and Tip go back to Dorothy’s cell. West strings Dorothy up by magic and tortures her. She asks who K. Chapman was and Dorothy says she was her mother. West taunts her about not knowing her own mother and Dorothy tells her to go to hell. When she collapses, the ruby gauntlets appear on her hands. West tries to take them, but is burned.

Credit: David Lukacs/NBC

The Wizard and the King of Ev take a walk. The Wizard wants to know his price. The king says he wants his dog back who died last year. He appears to have some sort of dementia. The Wizard goes to Lady Ev instead. She tells him he left her kingdom to drown when the Beast last came. He asks her what she wants. She wants nothing but his destruction. She will not help him.

Dorothy looks for an escape route. She asks Tip for help, but Tip blames her for her becoming a girl. She’s going to leave her to rot. West’s previous favorite overhears the conversation. What will she do with the information?

Credit: David Lukacs/NBC

Lucas takes Sylvie to town and hides behind a mask. They’re looking for Dorothy. Can they find her before Glinda arrives?

Tip throws another woman into Dorothy’s cell. It’s her mother. They embrace, but once her mother starts talking, we realize she’s West in disguise. She steals the memories of her sister’s death from Dorothy’s mind before she guesses who she really is. Tip watches as Dorothy breaks down. Does she finally feel sorry for her?

Lady Ev orders Jack around, but he refuses to do her bidding. He asks what he is to her and she says he’s her friend. He says you have to earn friendship. She invites him to the festival of the Beast the Wizard is putting on.

The Wizard questions the head of his guard about his wound. He shows him the bullet, but the Wizard already seems to know what it is. He must be from Earth.

Tip decides to help Dorothy. She gives her the key, but the prior favorite woman comes in wielding a giant knife. Will West be pleased or disgusted if she kills our girls?

Glinda arrives at the brothel with her nuns. West accuses her of keeping secrets, but Glinda denies it. They enter Dorothy’s cell to find her gone and West’s woman with her arm stuck beneath the stone lid to the sewer. Glinda is less than pleased.

Tip enters the room with West’s tea and the other woman tries to accuse her of helping Dorothy, but she denies it. West thinks her previous favorite helped Dorothy out of spite. She tells West to look at Tip’s soul for the answer. Instead, West casts the woman into the sewers. Her body washes out to where Dorothy’s climbing down the rocks.

Jack asks Lady Ev why she wears a mask. She says she’ll tell him when they’ve become friends. Will her story be as horrific as his?

The Wizard shows Anna the bullet. He says it can kill the Beast forever.

Dorothy puts on a mask at the festival. Rowan and Sylvie are still looking for her, but the guards find them instead. Rowan fights them off, killing all but one. The last guard member tells him about his past. He came at the soldiers, sword drawn, and wouldn’t let them see what he was carrying. He shows Rowan a scar on his own side as proof. Rowan collapses and Sylvie rushes to him. He tells her he doesn’t want to hurt her and makes her promise no magic before letting the guard lead him away. Is he really leaving her?

Credit: David Lukacs/NBC

Two men accost Lady Ev and try to steal her mask. Jack is able to beat them by using his metal parts. Lady Ev is so impressed that she kisses him. This just moved way past friendship.

Rowan goes to the head of the guard and tells him he’s guilty of the crimes. Rowan’s letting the guardsmen take him in.

West catches Glinda in a lie. She claimed that she hadn’t seen East in years, but councilwomen show her otherwise. The Munchkin warrior stops her while she’s storming off and asks for his wife. She tells him she lied.

Toto finds Sylvie curled up on a dark street. Dorothy walks straight through town in her mask and climbs the stairs to the Wizard’s castle. It appears that no one is home. Dorothy keeps her gun drawn and finds music playing through a Walkman. She presses stop and the Wizard rises from a chair. He asks if she’s there to kill him. She asks if he knew her mother. He’s shocked and tells her she’s come home. Is he her father? I guess we’ll find out next week.