Tonight’s episode begins with the feeling that all hell is about to break loose in Gotham. Dwight and some fellow Jerome loyalists visit the Wayne Enterprises facility where they are keeping Jerome’s body. They kill a security guard and all begin bursting out in maniacal laughter as they find Jerome’s body.

Jim and Bullock visit the facility and find out that after Indian Hill closed, everything was dropped off here. It seems obvious that Hugo Strange kept Jerome preserved. The always helpful Lucius tells them that Dwight would let the body thaw to normal body temperature before trying to reanimate him. They find a fanatic who was left behind. The entire beginning of the episode gives you the feeling that any minute Jerome will be walking around again.

Drama happening at Wayne Manor. A man named Cole arrives claiming that Maria Kyle owes him $200,000. He claims it was broken contract between them and if he doesn’t get the money, he will turn in evidence that will have her arrested. Bruce tells Selina he is ready to give her mother the money. Selina is very skeptical and claims that her mother is bringing this trouble to them and that he shouldn’t pay. I’m with Selina, this entire situation seems sketchy.

Jim has his hands full at GCPD. He continues to have issues with Leslie who wants nothing to do with him. They then interrogate the fanatic about where they took Jerome. He warns them that the “night of awakening” is coming. Jim wants the entire city looking for the Jerome symbol (two eyes with the phrase ha ha ha forming a smile). Lucius comes in with another assist and tells them that they would need a large surge of electricity to bring Jerome back to life. They have a lead. We find out that GCPD has a fanatic as he makes a call.

Dwight is in the process of trying to reanimate Jerome. His body finally reaches 98.6 degrees and turns on the machine. We see Jerome’s eyelids slightly move. The GCPD are on the way and the fanatics are getting restless. Dwight then has a plan. Jim and Bullock arrive and find Jerome’s body but his face is missing. Dwight has put on his Jerome mask and is trying to convince the fanatics that they have been keeping Jerome’s spirit alive. The speech actually seems to be working on them. Dwight doing his best Hannibal Lector impression.

A hungover and sad Oswald wakes up to Barbara reading the Gotham Gazette which has many citizens demanding his resignation. Barbara tells Oswald to get himself together so he can maintain his King of Gotham status as many of the families are starting to rebel against him. This Edward/Barbara/Tabitha alliance is a strong force.

We go back to the GCPD where they discover that someone there is a mole for the fanatics. Jim gives a speech to everyone about finding out who the mole is. They apprehend Office Dove and do some brutal interrogation to try and find out Dwight’s plan. The very strained and tense Leslie/Jim relationship continues as she keeps telling him she wants nothing to do with him. I have a feeling that at some point they will get back together but it currently seems like a long shot.

Oswald arrives at the bar to talk with Barbara. Barbara tries to manipulate Oswald some more but Oswald quickly cuts her off and realizes he isn’t falling for her plan. Barbara then continues to tell Oswald that the families are starting to rebel against him. He gets a call from Tommy Bones and tells him that he has Edward and he doesn’t work for him anymore. Oswald then storms out of the bar and Barbara tells Tabitha over the phone that he bought the plan. Tabitha then shoots Tommy Bones.

Dwight and his fanatics have taken over Channel 9. They want to send out a message to the entire city. Meanwhile, Leslie walks into the ME room and is surprised to find Jerome alive. He asks her about his cult following and Leslie reluctantly catches him up on everything that happened when he was dead. He then disguises as an officer and leaves. Jim, Bullock and the SWAT team are trying to figure out how to infiltrate Channel 9. Jim calls Dwight on the phone and tries to mess with his head by insulting him and saying he is just the under study of Jerome. Jim has a good point, Dwight is really just a cheap version of Jerome.

Maria goes to meet with Cole and give him the money. We quickly learn that this was a scam and Selina catches them in the act. Selina is crushed that her mother would lie to her and only use her for money. I don’t blame Selina for hating her mother. She tells her never to come back. An emotional Selina goes to see Bruce and demands to know if he knew about Maria. Bruce knew and wanted Selina to have some kind of relationship with her mother. Selina is very upset and wants to fight Bruce. He won’t fight her. Selina seems to blame this situation on Bruce.

Barbara and Tabitha’s plan is going perfectly. Oswald is slowly tearing down everything he has built and they look to reap the benefits of his actions. Tabitha still wants to kill Edward once they are back in power. She then proceeds to kill more members of the crime families. Oswald is still unraveling since he can’t find Edward. He gets a call from Edward who tells him he is at Kane Chemicals. Oswald is losing his mind over Edward. How will he react when he finds out that Edward has been playing him?

Dwight begins broadcasting from Channel 9. He goes on about Jerome’s legacy while Jim and GCPD are able to sneak in through an air vent and start a shootout where they take down several of the fanatics. They arrest Dwight and Leslie calls Jim and tells him that somehow Jerome is alive. They quickly discover that Dwight is gone. Dwight has been taken by Jerome. This isn’t going to end well for Dwight.

Jim, Bullock, Lucius and the entire GCPD turn on Channel 9 and see the broadcast that is going live. The resurrected Jerome is giving his return speech to Gotham. He talks about being dead and then coming back to life. We see Dwight in the background strapped to explosives. Jerome tells Gotham that tonight, in the darkness they should do whatever they want and kill whoever they want. He says when morning comes, they will be reborn.

They realize he is at the power plant across the river and Jim races to the roof just in time to see the massive explosion. The power then begins shutting off throughout the entire city. Jim is stunned to be standing there as complete darkness spreads over Gotham.

Episode Grade: B

Gotham airs on FOX Monday nights at 8 p.m.