Before we gear up for a new episode of NCIS, let’s look back at what happened in the last episode. We saw Reeves going undercover as a co-pilot in order to pick up Kai Chen, a notorious terrorist who uses his attacks to play the stock market.

Gibbs gets a call from Director Vance that “Operation Willoughby” is on. He goes to work where Qasim has dropped Ellie off while Tim is distracted reading a file. When Gibbs tells him to read the team into the case, he takes Alex, Nick and Ellie to the interrogation room.

They learn the operation is to catch a terrorist who has been in the wind for over a decade. So much so that they don’t even have a recent photo of the man. In MTAC, Vance greets Louise Moreau and the other agencies in the task force. They are surveilling Chen who is on his way to the plane where Reeves is flying. He is supposed to connect a device that will download information from Chen’s laptop.

However, the team notices Chen’s second in command, Edward Jintao, leaving the plane and Chen diverts from the airport. The plane explodes much to their dismay.

Tim works on trying to keep the press from divulging information that the pilot and co-pilot survived. However, as he and Ellie discuss how Chen was tipped off about the case, they notice on the news that the press ignored Tim’s wishes.

At the hospital, Gibbs tells Reeves he can’t leave without a doctor clearing him. Reeves wants to see things through and tells Gibbs that he heard Jintao on the plane talking about Chen planning another attack.

Vance and Gibbs talk about the operation and putting together a task force meeting in order to figure out another way to finish the operation.

Ellie goes to see Qasim in his office to let him know she is working late. He mentions some cities from conversations he is translating before they discuss Reeves listing himself as an emergency contact. Qasim tells her he put her name down as his.

The team updates Gibbs on the case and he has something to bring to the table as well. Reeves had tracked Jintao to an auto parts shop that could be a meeting place so he sends Alex and Nick out on surveillance.

Abby is working out frustration before telling Gibbs that she found evidence the pilot was the one who tipped Chen off about Reeves. Tim goes to the hospital and finds Reeves. Together, they go to talk to the pilot but before they can get any answers, he flatlines.

In autopsy, Ducky talks to Miller’s body before telling Gibbs he purposely overdosed on morphine. He had died not wanting his girls to be hurt and they deduce Chen was threatening his family in order to keep him quiet.

Ellie talks to Tim about Reeves, worried that he doesn’t have any friends or anyone to rely on. When Reeves comes back to work, on desk duty for now, he tells the two agents he is fine.

Alex and Nick are still staking out the shop but she feels exposed since their car is the only one in the lot. Seeing a window in a nearby building, she suggests they go inside. After getting look at the donut factory, they go upstairs only to see the window is inside a musty old bathroom.

Vance has a meeting with the other agencies on the task force. Moreau thinks it is possible Reeves was the one who spilled the beans. Vance tries to steer back to finishing the op.

Gibbs interviews Miller’s wife, who tries to figure out her husband’s motives for his work. Ellie looks at the daughter’s bracelet and notices she has charms from different parts of the world. When she learns the names of the cities, she realizes they are the same ones from the translation Qasim was reading.

After getting the logs of Qasim’s work, the team gets to work translating the information. Reeves feels he is still on light duty so Gibbs invites him over for a steak. Meanwhile, Alex and Nick are still on their stakeout when they think they see something. However, it’s a false alarm and Alex goes to get food.

Reeves and Gibbs finish their meal before Reeves tells the man he went over the things he said and knows he did not spill the beans. He tells Gibbs he took on the case because Ellie had told him how the team was like a family and he didn’t feel the op was for people who had people. Gibbs gives him advice that when things are bad to close your eyes and think of the good times.

When the talk is over, Reeves looks down at the translation and sees familiar numbers. He realizes Chen had known who he was for months. At work, Abby is furious as she tells Tim there is a mole in the task force. Calls were made after each task force meeting. She was able to use voice recognition to match a person.

That person is invited to Vance and Gibbs office and it turns out to be Officer Moreau. She tries to deny it until they play her the audio of her voice.

At the library, Ellie gives Qasim a drive containing a recent call for him to translate. She tells him he’s doing really well and as they share a moment, gunfire is heard. As Ellie ducks, Qasim is hit by bullets.

Qasim is rushed to surgery as Gibbs heads toward interrogation. Tim tells him witnesses saw a black SUV in the parking lot before the shooting. Gibbs goes inside to interrogate Moreau with Reeves. She tries to explain her son was threatened, but they are not here for this. She knew about Qasim since she was briefed on the calls he was translating. Jintao carried out the hit. Gibbs asks about an impending attack and she claims only to know it is in New York’s financial district.

Gibbs gives her a phone and tells her to call Jintao to set up a meeting. He goes to the lab where Abby is still getting her anger out. She is also tracking Jintao’s van via the VIN number that Alex and Nick got from the shop. The data found the van was at the library at the time of the shooting.

Nick and Alex go to bring him in but after exchanging gunfire, Jintao shoots himself. At the hospital, Ducky breaks the news that Qasim was without oxygen for too long and there’s no brain activity. Ellie had asked for Reeves so he goes into the hospital room. She gives him the flashdrive with the conversation Qasim was going to translate.

Ellie tells Reeves she doesn’t know how she will say goodbye to Qasim. He gives her the same advce Gibbs gave him. She sits down and holds Qasim’s hand.