Despite recent health concerns, former President H.W. Bush has agreed to take part in the time honored tradition of starting the Super Bowl with the ceremonial coin toss.

Both Bush, age 92, and his wife have had recent health setbacks. Bush was released from the hospital on Monday, Jan. 30, after a two-week battle with pneumonia. His wife, Barbara Bush, age 91, was hospitalized during the same time with bronchitis. However, despite those health issues, both will be attending the Super Bowl LI this weekend.

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said on Wednesday, Feb. 1, that he spoke with the Bushes in December in regards to taking part in the game, which will be held in the Bushes’ adopted hometown of Houston.

Goodell said, “We’re honored to have them. I’ve heard from both of them and they’re excited and anxious to be here. I think it will be a great way to start the game.”