Hello there girls and guys! Welcome to another recap of Girls the final season.

I think we can all agree that last week's episode was beyond insane. We got a chance to see what our other favorite characters were up to and where life has taken them. There is obviously still tension between Jessa and the rest of Hannah's friends, ever since they found out about her and Adam. After the screaming match that occurred between Jessa, Shoshanna and Elijah, it seems as if Jessa is friendless. Poor Jessa, but the golden rule has always been "friends before men." I guess you'll just have to make Adam your one and only BFF now.

Enough of the Jessa drama though, lets get into this recap because its all about Hannah!

Meeting With Chuck

Hannah walks into the penthouse apartment of Chuck Palmer, a famous writer who she highly admires. In the beginning of the episode we aren't aware of why she is visiting, but boy is this going to be one eventful visit. Once he invites Hannah in he asks her to take her shoes off before walking into his home. When she puts them down, he then asks her to not let her shoes touch his boots. They had to be in a certain order. Someone has OCD. Once they settle down and start talking it is revealed to us that Hannah is there because of a blog that she wrote about Chuck. Her blog was an opinion piece on how she felt about his sexual harassment allegations surrounding four college students.


Learning About Chuck

In the middle of discussing Hannah's controversial blog, Chuck gets a family phone call that he has to take. Hannah hears how personal it is and does her best to tone him out.

After taking a trip to the bathroom, they continue to talk more about Hannah's blog. Chuck started off with complementing Hannah about her writing. He definitely believed she was a great writer and found her work quite humorous. However. he did take issue with her blog that talked about his rape allegations. Hannah's blog was based off an article that on of his undergrad students had wrote about him. According to her, she was invited to Chuck's home and he took advantage of her sexually. Chuck argued with Hannah and told her that she based her whole blog on one side of the story, without getting to know his side. He basically said that the girls making these allegations knew what they were getting into and wanted an experience that they can write a story about. So basically they were making up the whole thing? Hannah had trouble believing that all four women were making it up and agreed to disagree with him.

Hannah's Story

The argument about the rape allegations got so heated that it actually struck a inappropriate childhood memory in Hannah. She recalled a time when one of her teacher would rub her neck in class and treat her different from all the other kids in class. As a child she thought he was treating her that way because he liked her work and she was smart. However, when she got older she realized how inappropriate it was. Then she speaks of a time when she saw one of her classmates from that class in the club. She joked with him about how the teacher used to inappropriately touch her and he said, "that's a pretty serious accusation." Hannah said that it made her feel like she was the bad guy when really she was the victim in the situation. Chuck felt sympathy for Hannah after sharing that and wanted to get to know a little more about her.

The Real Hannah

Chuck tells Hannah that if she really wants to continue to be a great writer she has to be her raw and complete self at all times. He told Hannah to tell him about herself becuase he wanted to get to know the real her. Once she started to open up to him he paused and said something along the lines of "you cant just assume something about someone without knowing the real them." He wanted her to understand that it wasn't right to judge someone until you get to know them. After that they go into his massive library of books and Hannah spots one of her favorite books by Phillip Roth. Chuck noticed how enthused Hannah was with the book, so he told her she could have it. The book was also signed by the author, which made Hannah explode with excitement even more.


When Things Get EXTREMELY Awkward

After touring his library, Chuck asks Hannah to "lie down with him without taking their clothes off," so that he could feel close to someone. At first Hannah is very taken back at this request, but she decides to lie down with him anyway.

For a moment Chuck and Hannah are lying down and everything is fine, but that doesn't last long. All of a sudden Chuck pulls his penis out of his pants and puts it on Hannah's thigh. When Hannah realizes this she freaks out and screams, "I touched your dick!" Before Chuck could even react, he hears his daughter walk in the house. He leaves to go greet her and Hannah quickly grabs her things to make an escape from this EXTREMELY awkward encounter. Just as Hannah is about to make her escape, Chuck's daughter asks Hannah if she would like to stay and hear her play her flute. Hannah didn't want to be mean and say no, so she caved and stayed to listen. Hannah sat far from chuck on the couch while she listened and stared at him in complete disgust. The episode ends with Chuck's daughter serenading with Rihanna's Desperado on flute. That was one awkward episode, but I do Love that song!

Will Hannah ever escape the awkwardness? I guess will have to find out next week.

Comment with your thoughts on this week's episode below and keep watching Girls on Sundays only on HBO at 10 p.m. EST.