Whoa J.K. Rowling just told her fans they that can burn her books and even "borrow" her lighter since she already has their money.

Yes, the author really tweeted that after some of them decided to burn her Harry Potter books because of her Donald Trump criticism.

When one fan said they were going to burn all their Harry Potter merchandise, Rowling replied back with "Well, the fumes from the DVDs might be toxic and I've still got your money, so by all means borrow my lighter."

She responded to some more followers who came at her informing her that they too burned her books.

Rowling responding to trolls on Twitter is nothing new and she's also careful not to promote them by blanking out their handles. The burning of her Harry Potter books is nothing new either. As EW noted, a few Christian groups who deemed the books "satanic" organized mass Potter burns in 2001.

The famous writer has not been shy about her dislike of  President Trump and his policies. As we reported, she is also not a fan of Vice President Mike Pence and called him a hypocrite for once calling any ban of Muslims "offensive and unconstitutional."