Jane The Virgin gave us a shocking episode last week that left fans reeling. It was even hard to write this recap, feeling the emotional weight of all that occurred. So let’s dive in and find out what happened for our characters before the time jump.

The episode opened four days before Michael’s LSAT and both he and Jane were looking at old childhood photos of him. Rogelio arrived to share some news just as Jane got a phone call. She has an opportunity to work as an assistant. After Mateo gets sick on her, Rogelio reveals they are invited to a screening of his film, the one he has a nude scene in. He even has photos of himself nude for autographs.

Unfortunately, Michael can’t make it to the screening since he has his final prep test. However, Jane agrees to go as long as her dad remembers to warn her to shield her eyes. Meanwhile, Rafael and Petra are with the twins. Petra is feeling nervous because she is still having a hard time bonding with her daughters. Rafael himself is still trying to figure out how to deal with the upcoming meeting with the lawyer and his sister.

Jane prepares for her interview so it goes better than her last one did. After taking Mateo over to Xo’s so she can babysit, Jane reluctantly agrees to join her mom, Bruce and Tess for dinner. They begin to talk about their period cycles when Xo gets emotional and Jane realizes she’s almost a week late.

Petra is taking the twins on a walk when she comes across Anezka and Scott. She is horrified to see that Scott has the addendum to the will and Anezka is blackmailing her. What she wants is to see the twins.

Meanwhile, after unsuccessfully filming a commercial for Darci, Rogelio invites her to his screening, which makes her happy since he told her it was for friends and family.

Jane has some bonding time with Mateo, who begins to copy moves she makes. She ponders the idea of him having a sibling, even though having a baby wasn’t part of their timeline yet. Later, she makes dinner for Michael and tells him she might be pregnant. He is excited about the possibility of being a father.

Rafael has a heart to heart with his sister about not being her biological brother. After telling him he’s still her family, Luisa makes a phone call.

At the premiere, things are going well but then Rogelio is upset to discover his penis was cut from the film. Outside, he has a meltdown to Darci, which is secretly recorded by someone standing outside the theater.

After going home, Jane tells Michael she got her period. Even though they both know it’s not the right time, they are looking forward to having more kids and are thinking of leaving things open to whatever happens.

Petra watches uncomfortably as the twins take to Anezka more than they take to her. When Rafael sees Anezka in the hall, he is upset and tells Petra he can probate the will. However, she refuses to let her children lose out on financial stability.

Jane has dinner with Bruce, Tess, her mom and Alba. Things are a bit tense and Jane uses her teen speak knowledge to talk to Tess about where she lives and being close to a coffee shop Tess goes to with her friends.

Rafael arrives to pick up Mateo and has a nice chat with Michael before leaving. He learns Mateo has been copying everything they do and it strikes a chord in him. Before they can go to sleep, Tess shows up to the apartment drunk.

Jane brings her home to Alba’s house but then Tess escapes as they are trying to call Bruce. They are able to find her and Alba brings her home, having dealt with similar behavior from Xo.

Meanwhile, Rogelio discovers the video went viral and he tries to find out if there’s anything he can do to fix the damage. He feels worse for going off on Darci.

While Tess is resting on the couch, Xo tells Bruce instead of punishing her, he should talk to her and be there for her so she knows she can depend on him. Even though Bruce thinks Tess is sleeping, she is actually awake and listening to every word.

Jane and Michael are at home where she is still waiting to hear back about her job interview. She had been told to analyze her potential boss’ book but she has not heard back. When Rogelio comes to talk about the viral video and opens the envelope he thinks his pictures are in, Jane is horrified to realize she took the wrong envelope to her potential boss.

When Jane calls Alice to ask for a second chance, she finds out it might not be possible.

Rafael tells Petra the plea deal is off the table and he is looking at jail time. Petra is nervous and afraid of having to take care of the twins alone. He tells her that he can’t just work around this because he wants to set a good example for his children.

Jane and Michael go out on a date to a carnival to recreate their very first date. On that particular date, Michael was very nervous. By the end of it, their date turns magical and in the present, Michael and Jane have a blast recreating the steps they took. Jane even points out the water that takes place in the novel she was analyzing and finds out from Michael that there were lies in the book.

Back at the hotel, Petra hears one of the twins crying and Rafael is sound asleep. She works on trying to get the kids to sleep, but they are both really upset. However, by the next morning, she has been able to get them sleeping, awake, changed and fed.

Michael and Jane prepare for his LSAT, with Jane giving him a lunch box and words of encouragement. As he is leaving, she tells him how proud she is.

Jane goes back to her potential employer to let her know about the mistakes she found. It turns out it was a test given to potential applicants and she gets the job. She feels good about how everything went.

At the hotel, Rafael is talking to Petra when they hear a knock at the door. Luisa introduces them to her new girlfriend, Eileen. However, a suspicious Rafael wants to do a test to ensure she is not Rose. She agrees to do so but what Rafael doesn’t know is that Eileen is actually Rose and is using the real Eileen to look legit.

Jane shares a moment with her mom and Alba, looking forward to her future. Xo tells them she had a breakthrough with Tess

Jane is home with Mateo while Michael is finished with the exam. He doesn’t look well as he is about to get his phone. Before he can continue walking, he suddenly collapses and his heart stops.

At her place, Jane listens as the doctor tells her Michael died of an aortic dissection. She drops her phone and falls to the floor, crying as a confused Rafael comes to comfort her.

With the end of part two, we flash forward three years later to see Mateo and Jane getting ready to go to a wedding.