The five F's of Super Bowl Sunday are what make it America's greatest unofficial holiday of the year. Food, Friends, Fun (a.k.a. booze) and Football of course. Oh wait, there's one more F word I forget to mention ... Freaking hilarious commercials! Okay, so maybe it's not a word and maybe it's not even a commonly used phrase, but whatever you get the point.

Regardless, I digress. Even those who don't like football, food, friends or fun (again, also known as booze), can still find a way to enjoy the funniest commercials millions of dollars can buy. Even in a down year like this one. I don't know if all the companies are depressed about Donald Trump being president or something but this year the commercials were uncharacteristically light on humor and heavy on the austerity.  Picking the top 10 funniest commercials out of this year's crop of Super Bowl ads is like getting  a batch of rotten fruit and rejoicing when you find a fruit that's only kind of ugly.

To be honest though, that's only because our standard for Super Bowl commercials are so high. Even with this year's lackluster, showing the commercials were a lot more entertaining than if you were watching a regular ad break from Grey's Anatomy or something. So without further ado, I present to you the cream of the crop from this years batch of Super Bowl ads.

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