Are you in charge of planning Valentine’s Day this year? Are you stumped? Check out our guide to every genre of music happening live in NYC.
Are you in charge of planning Valentine’s Day this year? Are you totally stumped as to what you should do? Is it completely stressing you out? Well, the good news is, we are here to help. Whether this is a first date or first wedding anniversary, it can feel like a lot of pressure to make this day extra special each year. We may not know you or your significant other. However, one thing we do know: everyone loves music.
Is she a punk rock chick? Does he love old school soul music? We got you covered. Here are our picks for every genre of live music you and your date could possibly want to hear. Not sure what they are into? Easily solved. Bring up whatever you have been listening to recently, then ask for their opinion. It’s a great conversation starter and will open up the gate to their musical preferences. Just try not to argue about it when they tell you The Cure is lame and you realize they love Taylor Swift.
So go ahead and give ‘em a call. You know, with your voice. Live. On the phone. This is not a conversation made for texting. Yeah, we know. Get over it.
Once you’ve done that homework, check out our easy guide to which event is right for you two this Valentine’s Day. You’re welcome. We expect an invite to the wedding.