Ellen DeGeneres was taken to the emergency room after she dislocated her finger.

On Monday, March 20, Degeneres tweeted out a picture of a hand X-ray, which showed a bad break in her finger. She teased her followers by saying she would explain everything on her show the next day.

On today's episode of her talk show, Ellen recounts the whole accident, which involves wine, as reported by Entertainment Tonight.

Ellen and her wife, Portia, were out at a dinner party.  After having a few glasses of wine, the couple got home and Ellen accidentally tripped on a step and fell into her door. She then immediately knew something was wrong with her finger.

Ellen continued the story with a few jokes.

"My first thought was: ‘No big deal, Obamacare will cover this.' So, Portia drove me to the hospital, to the emergency room. When I got there, of course the receptionist had so many things for me to sign -- a picture for her nephew, a t-shirt for her."

The doctor told her she had a dislocated finger.  And the only way to fix a dislocated finger is to snap it right back into place.  Ouch!  But, Ellen is fine and made it to host her show Tuesday, though she humorously looked to the audience for some sympathy.

"I know what you’re thinking: ‘How can you host a show without the tip of your ring finger?!’ I’m not going to let this thing beat me. I am not!”

DeGeneres now joins Jimmy Fallon in the television-hosts-that-broke-their-finger's club." Fallon broke his finger in 2015 after he tripped and fell on broken glass.  His incident also involved drinking, but the two hosts both stressed that they do not have alcohol problems.  In fact, they are just clumsy.

We're so happy Ellen is okay! Get well soon!