On the last episode of The Flash, Barry dealt with the feelings of guilt over how his actions had hurt everyone around him. He made the decision to go into the speed force in order to rescue Wally. As he is in there, the Speed Force conjures up familiar characters in order to guide and challenge Barry on his quest.

In the meantime, Jesse is determined to find Savitar herself, using the piece of armor that was embedded in Barry’s shoulder. Despite this, H.R. tries to stop her, which she doesn’t appreciate since he is not her father. The team is also worried since they do not have Barry or Wally with them for assistance.

Iris is also struggling to deal with her feelings over the proposal and engagement. Joe urges her to look deep down inside herself and while she does, Barry has his own feelings about his actions. This was a powerful episode that showed how Barry needed to accept he needed to change things in order to fix the future.

The next episode will see Barry reunited with Supergirl in an adventure with the Music Meister. Until then, check out the top 10 moments from “Into the Speed Force.”

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