+Hello girls and guys! Welcome to another recap of Girls, the final season. I can't believe that we've made it to episode six already! We are definitely going to be mourning one of the most incredible HBO series ever way too soon. The good news is there are a few more episodes to go and this week's episode left us on a little bit of a cliff. So without further ado, let's get into this recap!

The "Big News" Dinner

Hannah invited Marnie over for dinner to tell her some, "big news." Before Hannah told her the big news though, Marnie had to tell her that she and Ray broke up. When Hannah heard this she was relieved and told Marnie that it was actually a good thing, since she treated Ray like crap the whole entire time they were together.

Once Marnie shared her news, Hannah dove right in and revealed that she was pregnant. First Marnie laughs it off, which seems to be a theme with all of Hannah's friends. When she finally realizes that Hannah is serious she asks, "how does this happen?" Hannah tells Marnie that she tried beloved "pull out method." Marnie asks Hannah what she was going to do with the baby and Hannah replies that she is keeping it. At first Marnie challenges Hannah by telling her that she couldn't possibly be keeping it. Then she pauses for 5 seconds, smiles and says, "I'm into it."

She tells Hannah she's old enough and basically has her life together for a baby. Hannah is surprised at how supportive Marnie is about the decision. However, things go south when Marnie asks Hannah who the father is. Hannah tells her about the water skier, but tells her she wasn't going to tell him about the baby. Marnie urges her to tell him, but Hannah calls her controlling and storms into the bathroom.


Same Old Marnie-Desi Argument

Marnie and Desi try to rehearse for a show, but Desi is totally not into it and starts to throw a tantrum. Marnie tells Desi to focus on practicing because they have an upcoming performance at her mom's friend's birthday party. When Desi hears this he tells Marnie that he's sick of performing at "bullshit gigs." Then Marnie starts to complain about how he never wants to cooperate and they end up having one of their famous arguments and not practicing at all.


"Our Baby"

Hannah and Elijah are talking now after their huge blowout fight that surrounded Hannah's pregnancy announcement. Elijah apologizes to Hannah for saying that she would be a bad mother. He said that she certainly won't be the best, but she won't be the worse. Hannah said that his reaction really scared her because she didn't what her child to ruin their friendship. She really wanted him to be in her child's life and help her raise it. Elijah said that he wanted to be in the child's life, but feels he won't be a good influence. Hannah, on the other hand, thinks the opposite and gives Elijah a hug as he called her child "our baby." Looks like they're one big happy family after all!

Are You Stalking Me Now?

Hannah gets a call from Adam and he tells her to watch his new movie about their relationship. Before she even gives him an answer she meets him face to face as she's walking out of the apartment building. Hannah excuses him of stalking her, but he just insists on urging her to watch his movie.

He tells her that he made the movie for them so they could finally get closure from their break up. He needed her to tell him if it was real or not, and if he got everything in the movie right. He wanted his memories to match hers and thought that watching the movie would help her move on. Hannah claims that she has already moved on and she did not need to see the movie, nor did she want to. Adam continued to try to convince Hannah that she needed to watch it when suddenly, in the middle of their conversation, Hannah blurted out that she was pregnant.

As per usual Adam denies her and says, "no, you're not." Soon he realizes that she is serious and asks her if the baby's father is her ex-boyfriend Jan. Hannah says no and tells him that she's not even telling the baby's father about it. Adam tries to tell Hannah that not telling the father is the wrong thing to do, but Hannah replies with, "Well, I'm doing it" and storms off. Adam tries to call out for her, but she keeps walking. Aww, we love concerned Adam.

Desi is Spiraling Out Of Control

Desi shows up late to the birthday gig on his motorcycle. Marnie immediately goes to scold him about it when she realizes that he is nodding off as if he didn't get any rest. Marnie finds out that Desi is high and will not be able to get on stage to perform. She tries to cancel the performance, but her mom suggests that she and Marnie perform the song onstage instead. While Marnie and her mom are on stage Desi appears in the audience, but leaves once they started singing. I don't know if he left because he felt betrayed or because the performance sucked. It really could be either one!


"You can't Just Erase Me"

Jessa drops by Hannah's house to confront her about not coming to tell her that she was pregnant. She told Hannah that she was hurt having heard the news secondhand from Adam. Hannah didn't understand why Jessa would even think that she'd tell her anything after what happened between them. She told Hannah that regardless of what happened between them, she still considered her a dear friend. Hannah replied that they were never dear friends and never acted like friends throughout their entire friendship.


Jessa tried to make Hannah understand that even though they were not talking they still had an unbreakable bond, but Hannah didn't want to hear anything Jessa had to say. "You can't just erase people, you can't just erase me," Jessa said. Jessa stormed out of the apartment and slammed the door, while Hannah remained silent.

The Bed is Getting Cold

Hannah calls Paul Louis' job (aka the hot water skier/baby daddy) to maybe tell him she's pregnant, but he wasn't available. She sits her bed and opens her laptop to watch Adam's movie, "Full Disclosure." The movie first starts out with an intense, yet familiar, sex scene between Adam and Hannah's character. When Hannah first watches it she says, "great it's a porno." However once she gets past the sex scene, she watches the rest of the film intently. Hannah's character gets up to go to the bathroom and Adam stares into the camera and it's almost as if he's actually staring at the real Hannah. After the intense stare he says, "bed's getting cold," and the credits role. What a weird cliff hanger right? Is there a second message to that line?


We gotta see what happens next! So don't forget to Watch Girls on Sunday's at 10:00 p.m. eastern time, only on HBO.

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