Hey girls and guys! Welcome to another recap of Girls, the final season. Episode 7 is now on the horizon and boy a lot has happened since the start of the season. We've gone through a pregnancy, new and shocking relationships, breakups, makeups, friendships strengthening, friendships breaking and a slow and awkward transition to adulthood for all of our characters.

RELATED: Girls season 6, episode 6 - Full Disclosure

Last week's episode left us at a cliffhanger when Hannah finally decided to watch Adam's movie. It seemed as if Adam was sending an underlying message through his film to Hannah. Does Adam feel that they broke up too soon? I guess we'll just have to keep watching to find out, but for now let's get into this recap!

Elijah's Audition

Elijah has an audition for White Men Can't Jump: The Musical reads his skit to Hannah for last minute critiques. However, she is finding it very hard to listen to him because she is waiting for a call from Paul Louis (aka her baby's father). Suddenly there is a knock at the door and it just so happens to be Elijah's ex. He wanted to hide out in his apartment to get away from the paparazzi that have been following him all day. Elijah said no at first, but then caved because he was going to be late to his interview. He told Hannah to let his ex stay, but to keep a close eye on him.

Credit: HBO GO

Marnie Is Evicted and Elijah Gets Cold Feet

Marnie walks up to her apartment to find an eviction notice. She immediately calls her mother to ask her for money in order too keep a roof over her head. To her surprise her mother says no, but offers up her couch to Marnie instead. Elijah gets to the audition and starts to get cold feet while waiting to go in. So he pretends to go to the bathroom and tries to make an escape, but gets stopped by an enthusiastic auditioner, who convinces him to stay for the audition.

Credit: HBO GO

Marnie's Realization

Marnie is desperate to do anything to keep her apartment and not live with her mother. So she decides to sell her expensive sweet 16 necklace to get the money she needs for her rent. When she gets to the pawn shop she finds that her mother lied to her and that her necklace was actually fake gold. After complaining about how her mom lied to her all her life, she tries to sell the diamond earrings her gave to her instead. Marnie finds out that she was lied to yet again, when the pawn shop man tells her that the diamonds were not real. She comes to the conclusion that everybody in her family lied to her and complains about it in front of the pawn man. He made her realize that she was blaming everything on everyone else when she was the center of her problems.

Credit: HBO GO

Moving On Up

Elijah sings his song selection and the judges don't look moved, but they tell him he can stay for the monologue. Next are the dancing auditions and Elijah tried his best, but let's face it...he's not a dancer. The auditions end and Elijah is confident that he still has a chance, despite his terrible dancing skills.

Babies Need Fathers

Paul-Louis finally calls Hannah back. She reminds him who she is and then let's him know that she's pregnant with his child. At first he pauses and asks her what she needed from him.

Then, Hannah let him know that she was just doing this to be ethical and it was his choice whether or not he wanted to be in his child's life. When he heard this he was relieved and told Hannah that he wasn't ready to have a child. Hannah's face changes when she hears how nonchalant he was about becoming a father. She tells him that she would keep him in the loop with everything that happened with the baby if he wanted her too. Paul-Louis nonchalantly said,, "ok cool.' He asked Hannah if there was anything else she wanted to say, but she she assured him that she got everything up. He then quickly proceeded to hang up.

Just before he hung up he randomly told her that he always thought "Grover" would be a cool name. Hannah thought that Paul-Louis not wanting to be in her child's life was what she wanted, but she didn't know that it would be that easy. The fact that it was so easy, actually made her sad.

Credit: HBO GO

Back With His Ex

Elijah comes back to the apartment to find Hannah and his ex eating pizza and watch TV together. Seems like they each made a new friend today. Elijah's ex tries to tell him he still had feelings for him, but Elijah doesn't want to hear it, in fear that he was just trying to mess with his head again.

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Nevertheless, his anger did not last long because he told his ex to come in his room with a box of pizza. Pizza is the solution to everything!

Credit: HBO GO

We Are ALL Growing up and Moving On

Marnie starts to pack up her things in her apartment. She has decided to move in with her mom until she gets back on her feet. Before moving out she leaves a very mature and sincere message on Desi's voicemail. She wanted him to know how sorry she was for what she put him through while he was trying to recover from his addiction. Elijah wakes up in bed with his ex. So can assume that they're back together? He gets a call from the judges and they tell him that he was not a dancer, but he had a special talent. They wanted him to come back in and read a scene from the play in front of the producers. Hannah makes her first check up appointment for her pregnancy all by herself. That's the spirit, raise that baby all on your own!

Credit: HBO GO

See what happens next on Sunday at 10:00 p.m, only on HBO and feel free to comment your thoughts on this week's episode in the box below!