Gene Simmons' daughter, Sophie, is upset that Katey Segal has revealed her affair with the former KISS rocker in new tell-all book titled Grace Notes.

On Tuesday, March 21, Sophie Simmons stated, "I feel like it’s no one’s business, really,” in an interview on Allegedly with Theo Von & Matthew Cole Weis, concerning her father's affair with Segal. “I mean, if Katey wants to write a book about her life, cool — but to write about someone and then have it affect their family I feel like is a really kind of low place to go to try and sell a book.”

Simmons continued, “And she should probably look at her own family — I’m just saying — before pointing fingers …  because other people could write books too.”

In Segal's memoir she talks about meeting Gene Simmons at a bar in Santa Monica, California, where she was working as a waitress. She wrote in her book that she thought he was weird, but went home with him that night anyways. The two shared and on-and-off affair for several years, before Segal proposed an ultimatum to Simmons-either he marries her or she would agree to wed bassist Freddie Beckmeier. According to Segal's account, Simmons laughed at this suggestion and that's when their relationship ended.

“It really doesn’t affect us — we’re so tight as a family,” Sophie said. “My parents are so crazy in love. I mean, congrats to the one groupie who thought they got ahead, but apparently didn’t … You’re a really talented actress, so it worked out.”