This week on Supergirl, Kara must defend herself from yet another villainous parent when a bounty is placed on Supergirl.

Last week on Supergirl, Mon-El and Kara broke up, but in the crossover episode with The Flash, Kara and Mon-El got back together. So this week’s episode opens with Mon-El making Kara breakfast, seeming content. They talk and eat, but an alien is attacking people downtown so Kara flies off as Supergirl to save the day. They fight and she defeats him easily.

Meanwhile John has a video chat at work with President Olivia Marsdin about the Daxamite ship. She tells him they need to be careful and that her team is finding information about the Daxamites.

Alex and Maggie just finished yoga, and the two tease each other while walking through the city. They run into Maggie’s ex-girlfriend, Emily, who says they should hang out sometime. As she leaves, Alex suggests that night and says she is fine with Maggie spending time with an ex. Maggie then asks Emily to dinner with her and Alex that night.

Photo: Robert Falconer/The CW © 2017 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved

At the DEO, Kara tells the team about the alien she fought and they in turn, tell her about an interplanetary message that found about Supergirl. Someone is offering a huge bounty on Kara. J’onn and Alex want Kara to be careful and not engage with foes while they figure out who has put the hit out on Kara. Mon-El joins in to, and Kara relents and says she will stay low for a day while they search databases.

Mon-El invites his parents Lar Gand and Rhea to the alien bar and gives them drinks. They are surprised when they find out he works there, and he tells them it is a good job. He accuses his parents of putting the bounty on Kara, which they both deny. They tell him they are still there because they are hoping he will change his mind about leaving. Before they leave, Rhea tells him how heartbroken she was when she thought he was dead, and Lar Gand once more says they had nothing to do with the bounty.

Alex and Maggie wait for Emily to show up to the restaurant for dinner, but she is very late and they realize she is not coming. The two talk and Maggie tells Alex that she and Emily dated for five years and Emily said harsh words to her when they broke up. Alex obviously wants to help Maggie get closure, but Maggie brushes it off.

It is game night at Kara’s apartment with James and Winn. They try to keep Kara’s mind off of the alien threats that keep popping up downtown, but with little success. She argues with them, but they remind her J’onn said she should stay low for now. Mon-El shows up and tells them he questioned his parents about the bounty. Winn jokes that his dad would get along with Mon-El’s parents. Mon-El drops his beer and discovers he cannot move by his own choice. He then attacks Kara and they go out the window. Mon-El’s body is being controlled by an alien and he and Kara fight. Winn finds the alien and threatens him, so the alien stops controlling Mon-El.

With the alien in custody at the DEO, the team questions him about the bounty. They threaten him, but J’onn is the one who gets the information by using his mind reading powers. He admits Queen Rhea of Daxam put the bounty on Supergirl. They think of plans to get Mon-El’s parents to back off, but J’onn tells them the President said to not engage with the Damamites.

Alex goes to Emily’s hotel to ask her why she did not show up at dinner. Emily tells her it was too painful because of everything that happened between her and Maggie, to which Alex tells her Maggie is hurt as well. Emily tells her Maggie cheated on her and Alex apologizes and leaves.

RELATED: ‘Supergirl’ recap: ‘Star-Crossed’

Kara and Mon-El are cleaning up the apartment and the two have different ideas about how to approach their current issue. Kara wants to go talk to Rhea and Mon-El thinks they should run away to a different planet. He cites Romeo and Juliet, saying he is currently reading it and it resonated with him. Kara notes they die in the end, and says she will not run. The two discuss Rhea and Mon-El gives in when Kara tells him people can change and cites how he has changed since coming to Earth.

They meet her at the The Fortress of Solitude and Mon-El tells her they know about the bounty. Kara asks Rhea to let Mon-El stay, saying they have a connection and can make peace. Rhea responds by attacking Kara with kryptonite. Mon-El agrees to leave with his parents if she leaves Kara alone. They embrace and he leaves with Rhea.

Photo: Robert Falconer/The CW -© 2017 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved

Maggie arrives at Alex’s home and Alex confronts her about her past. Alex talks to her about trust and tells her she understands why Maggie has trust issues, given how her parents treated her when they found out she is a lesbian. She tells Maggie that she does not judge her for the past and wants to help her heal. Their hug and moment is interrupted by Kara’s phone call, telling her about Mon-El.

Kara transports to the DEO, injured and in pain. She tells them about Mon-El and says they need to go stop the ship, but J’onn reminds her they are under orders from the President. Kara begs him, saying she cannot lose Mon-El.

On the spaceship, Lar Gand is happy to see his son and but distressed when he finds out his wife put the bounty on Supergirl. He visits Mon-El and talks to him about Kara and going home. Mon-El tells him he wants to make Daxam different and more equal. They argue about the world, then Rhea arrives and has Mon-El dragged off to a cell.

The team gets a portal ready to transport to the spaceship. Kara arrives on the ship and fights with the Daxamite guards. After taking them down, she and Rhea fight, but Rhea realizes something is wrong when the kryptonite does not work. J’onn shapeshifted into Supergirl to trick Rhea. Meanwhile, Winn arrives and frees Mon-El from his cell. J’onn is losing the fight, so Kara transports to the ship too and helps fights the royals. Mon-El and Winn arrive in the throne room and see Rhea about to kill Kara. Mon-El tosses a weapon at a window and one guard is sucked out. Kara and J’onn can fly, but everyone else fights to stay aboard the ship. Lar Gand says to stand down and let Mon-El leave, which he does with Kara J’onn and Winn.

Outside Emily's hotel downtown, Maggie and Emily talk. Alex looks on, proud of Maggie for getting closure. When Maggie returns to Alex, the two kiss and smile at each other.

Photo: Robert Falconer/The CW © 2017 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved

At the DEO, J’onn has another conversation with the President about the Daxamites and she lets him know she is angry. After hanging up, the President allows her alien self to show.

At Kara’s apartment, Mon-El and Kara talk about his parents. He says he tried to do what he believed Kara would do and tells her he admires her bravery and strength.

Meanwhile back on the spaceship, Rhea talks to Lar Gand about their life and marriage. He tells her they will move on together, she disagrees and stabs him in the stomach. As he lay dying, she turns to look at Earth, saying she has more planned.

I think this was the most likable I have ever found Mon-El, though I am still not really a fan of the karamel relationship. It was nice to see Alex growing more confident in her relationship. I do not think she would have handled the Maggie/Emily cheating issue well at the very beginning of their relationship. On a side note, I really question what this show has against parents because the majority of characters have at least one villainous parent. This episode was entertaining overall and did well in setting Rhea up as the big bad for the end of the season.

Season 2 of Supergirl is on break until Monday April 24, when it will return with episode 18, “Ace Reporter,” at 8 p.m. on The CW.