Jane the Virgin took us into her feelings as she began crushing on her father’s co-star, Fabian. Over the last week, Jane has been visiting set in the guise of visiting her dad when in reality, she is staking out her crush. When talking to her mom about it, Xo encourages Jane to act on having a fling. Alba makes a comment about Jane having her choice, but it is clear she has her opinion about the matter. They find out she has yet to tell Jorge she is waiting for marriage, which makes them encourage her to tell him.

Jane has a meeting with Jeremy, who tells her that her book is ready to be published. The next step is to begin marketing her book.

Rafael calls Jane to let her know not to bring Mateo by since Luisa is visiting and he has refused to allow her to see any of the kids over the years. He then gets a visit from Elvis, who it turns out is his private eye and has bugged the room Luisa and her girlfriend will be staying in. Eileen, if you remember, is actually Rose in disguise.

Rogelio and Fabian are filming, which goes well until it doesn’t offscreen. Fabian makes comments about him doing his own stuntwork and his age before talking a selfie that Rogelio does not feel is flattering.

Rafael is taking pictures of the twins when Chuck arrives. When they go to him, Rafael is not happy since they had a rule about introducing significant others to the kids. Petra is distracted by Dennis and his partner, who tell her that there are holes in the story she gave them.

After doing some digging to find out what Fabian likes, Jane brings him goji berries. They bond over super food as Rogelio vents to Xo. When he spots Jane talking to Fabian and finds out she has a crush, he rushes over to forbid her from liking him. Of course, Fabian overhears.

Taking her dad to his dressing room, Jane reminds him she is an adult and she can take care of things herself. She tells Fabian she doesn’t actually like him that way, but of course can’t stop looking at his abs.

Meanwhile, Alba herself is feeling things for her beau and they begin to kiss. However, she stops to tell him about her rule. He doesn’t respond at first, leading her to believe they are breaking up.

In a meeting with the police and her lawyer, Petra explains that Anezka being away had nothing to do with Scott and was everything to do with personal business between them. They tell her to contact Anezka or they will charge her with obstructing an investigation.

Arriving at their hotel room, “Eileen” and Luisa meet with Rafael with gifts for the kids before he leaves. “Eileen” refuses to talk loudly and turns on a machine that plays ocean waves as they talk about Scott’s murder. She tells Luisa she did not commit the crime and she wants to move rooms in case that one is wired.

Jane prepares for her meeting with the marketing team, but when she arrives, they want to focus on the personal nature behind her book. She is not thrilled with the idea so the marketing people will not order a ton of books. Jeremy suggests that to be part of the upcoming book fair in Miami, she should work on her social media presence.

When Jane goes to talk to her father about her social media, she runs into Fabian, who reveals he also has a book. He invites her coffee to learn more about hers, but in the middle of it, he creates a scene for photographers to see. It turns out he staged the scene to get her more followers. He also reveals he thinks highly of Rogelio. Jane goes to her dad to let him know Fabian really likes him.

Petra tells Rafael she convinced Anezka to come so she could talk to the police. When Rafael asks how she is holding up, Chuck makes his presence known and tells him not to live in the past. Petra thanks Rafael for the concern and he is interrupted by a text from Elvis about the room switch.

Jeremy informs Jane the team looked into her social media followers and since they were mainly in Latin America, it wouldn’t do much good to have her at the book fair if no one in the audience bought copies.

Rogelio talks to Fabian about the way he acted toward him and finds out the latter was just nervous. He also tells Fabian not to play with Jane’s emotions and reveals she actually does like him. When Fabian invites him for pedicures, Rogelio looks haunted as he says no.

Jane meets with Professor Donaldson to talk about her dilemma. Her mentor surprises her by telling Jane that she should talk about the personal aspect of the book so that she gets the chance for a second book. Jane later tearfully calls Jeremy to tell him she has changed her mind.

Rafael thinks Luisa’s new room is clear to be wired after Luisa tells him that “Eileen” is not there. However, she has refused to leave the room since the air conditioning isn’t working. While they talk about Luisa getting to see her nieces and nephew, Elvis heads to the room just as “Eileen” removes her mask. As the door opens, she puts her shirt over her head and flips out, causing him to leave without seeing her true face.

Xo and Alba both talk to Jane about talking about Michael. Alba relates a story of getting a memory of her late husband just a year before. She tells Jane she will live with her grief but it must evolve for her to let go.

Jane does well at the book fair and Fabian watches from a distance, enthralled with her. A young woman asks Jane for an autograph, which makes her thrilled. At home, Jane is surprised to see Fabian at the door since he didn’t come see her at the book fair. He gives her his book before asking her on a date.

Petra says goodbye to the twins as Rafael takes them to a class and scoffs when Chuck tells her that Rafael is into her.

Alba is at work when Jorge explains himself to her. He reveals that he was just surprised at the news and he didn’t want to break up. They agree to keep dating.

When Xo can tell Rogelio is acting weird, she talks to him and finds out that he is not ready to see Jane date after Michael and he himself can’t bear to do things he used to do with Michael. Xo is grateful he opened up to her.

Jane, Alba and Xo read through Fabian’s book later, which is basically full of photographs of himself.

At the hotel, Luisa reveals to Rose that she does not want to leave the hotel since she can finally see her family. However, Rose does not want to stay.

Petra is waiting for her sister, but she hasn’t shown up. When she gets a phone call, it turns out to be Anezka, who was arrested at the airport. Anezka orders Petra to help her or she will tell the police what she knows about her sister.