When Teen Wolf's Arden Cho initially recommended Quarters, a Korean barbecue restaurant sprinkled amongst many, she wasn't kidding about the wait time.

The 6th Street location in Los Angeles' Koreatown looks like your favorite late-night joint, fashioned with exposed brick and purposeful antique vents to accommodate all the meat grilling to come.

Off to the side of the entrance, the beautiful bar provides patrons the perfect atmosphere to bring their dates to try their version of margaritas, the Quarters Ritas.

Onlookers from the patio can spot the sports car crowd slowly creep by to drop passengers off hurriedly getting ahead of the line.

Forty-five minutes in, the staff lead us to our table of two filled with your staple banchan. From kimchi to pickled radishes, the small dishes cleanse your palette in between devouring the meat.

While parties of two or more can opt for combos, we chose à la carte dishes to sample the variety of meat.

Courtesy of May Chan

The concept behind Quarters is the opposite of the economical all-you-can-eat Korean barbecue. With the portion of the meats, being quarter-pound "tapas," the restaurant focuses on quality over quantity, but does the price match?

It depends on who you ask. For those voracious eaters out there, this might not be your cup of soju if you're part of a large party, because the bill adds up. There are combos but from observing other parties, it's not filling.

Nonetheless, this would definitely appeal to newly minted couples craving Korean barbecue without eating more than half your body weight.

Courtesy of May Chan

If you can tolerate a high level of spiciness, you may want to order the Spicy Back Ribs Fondue. The gochujang heavily marinaded ribs come in a griddle, already sizzling in peppers and pineapple, as it bubbles in cheddar cheese.

Fair warning, though, these ribs will make you befriend the infamous ramen from the "Spicy Noodle Challenge" with no problem.

For those who enjoy a little kick, the spicy pork belly would definitely be noteworthy to order. The quality of these fattening pieces goes well dipped in their chili sauce. However, their sesame oil sauce complements the Seasoned Boneless Short Rib. Seasoned so well, the meat just melts in your mouth, with it being a popular dish among patrons.

Courtesy of May Chan

Those ordering five "tapas" or more receive a free steamed egg and fondue. The steamed egg I'll pass, but the cheesy dipped fondue is a must amongst millennials itching for that epic gluttonous Instagram shot.

While Quarters is worth trying, should this be your regular Korean barbecue spot? Unfortunately, even with its quality customer service and quality meats, it's a once in a blue moon joint for that portion. Sorry, Arden.