Plus-size model Tess Holliday is fuming mad and clapping back at an Uber driver who she says body shamed her. She's also boycotting the company over the exchange she said she had with him.

Holliday posted part of a conversation with the driver in which he is asking about her cholesterol. Holliday responded to his question by telling him that she's "healthy" before the clip cuts off.

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“My cholesterol is fine,” she can be heard answering. “I’m perfect. Yeah, I’m healthy.”

The 31-year-old was not at all pleased and took to Instagram to voice her frustrations and said that the driver was body shaming her.

“Hey @uber I don’t pay more to use your ‘black car’ service to be told that there’s no way I could possibly be healthy because I’m fat & then questioning it. No one should have to tolerate this at any level of the services you offer,” Holliday wrote. “I’m fat. I also have a fat wallet & will no longer be using your services. Ever."

The video, which she first shared on Snapchat has the words: “My driver who is fat is questioning if I’m healthy” plastered across it. Rather than fight off those on social media who would call her out about accusing someone of fat shaming her while fat shamed him, she edited her caption adding, "saying my driver is fat was obviously being used as a descriptor & not to insult him. Also I did not show his face or use his name when filming, it was to be able to show what I deal with daily & why this behavior is unacceptable from anyone.”

Uber has since responded to Holliday with a statement that read: “We expect all riders and drivers to treat each other with respect as laid out in our Community Guidelines.”

But from now on we have a feeling Holliday will be using Lyft.