After a month long break, The Flash returned to our television screens. Just as Killer Frost makes her escape from S.T.A.R. Labs, Barry makes the decision to travel to the future. He wants to see if he can find out who Savitar is in hopes of finally stopping him. However, when he arrives, the future is hopeless and he can only watch a fractured team he can’t recognize.

Cisco is the only one left of the team who has tried to put together something resembling a team, especially since future Barry has pushed everyone away. But when he tries to leave, Barry realizes he can’t just abandon them. So he works to put them back together and also see if he can even change the future.

We also find out what happened to Killer Frost in the future and the results are shocking. Next week, it looks like we might finally discover who our foe is. Do you have any theories as to Savitar’s identity? If so, tell us in the comments and check out our top 10 moments from “The Once and Future Flash.”

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