In this episode of Flash Barry approaches newly created metahuman Becky at Jitters, because he thinks he’ll be able to solve this week’s problem by just talking to her. Her powers start to act up and cause trouble in the coffee shop as she gets upset. Realizing he can’t win, Barry is forced to just let her walk away before something bad happens.

Given that they just lost both of their wedding venues on top of all of the bad luck they’ve faced over the past four years, Iris decides that she wants to just get married immediately. She summons Barry to a church and, as a funeral starts wrapping up, she and Barry push past the procession to the altar and ask the priest to marry them. Unfortunately, that plans falls apart because the priest goes into shock; he’s allergic to the cinnamon incense the altar boy used.

Meanwhile, Cisco apologizes to Harry for telling him to go back to Earth-2, and Harry admits that his daughter kicked him off her superhero team because he was too strict and didn’t give them enough time for personal bonding. Cisco ends up inviting Harry to stay on their Earth to help them fight crime and, in a surprising development, build a life filled with friends.

The bad-luck quantum field created by Becky’s powers is expanding and affecting the entire city. The more good luck Becky experiences, the worse it gets for everyone else. As Becky goes on a winning streak at the casino, the West home, which has been suffering plumbing problems all episode long, starts to fall apart and traps Cecile and Joe inside — and the particle accelerator starts powering up, which can’t be good news.

When The Flash arrives at the casino with some power-dampening handcuffs, he slips on some quarters and accidentally handcuffs himself. After cutting almost every wire to get it to stop, Harry tells Cisco to let the particle accelerator turn on. His theory is that once it turns on it will counteract Becky’s powers. He’s right and everything goes back to normal, and Barry is able to get the cuffs on Becky.

Wally reveals to the team that he traveled to Earth-2 to talk to Jesse, who is focusing on herself. And since no one noticed he was missing during the fight, Wally has decided to leave town.

As Wally leaves S.T.A.R. Labs, Harry realizes that someone is playing an elaborate chess game with them, that everything that’s happened since the Samuroid came to town is part this person’s big plan.

The Thinker is onto to them, too, because he’s using the Samuroid head to eavesdrop on them. By the end of the episode, The Thinker’s plans remain pretty opaque, but we do know that he’s trying to collect all of the metas he created in Iron Heights — but first he wants to observe how they use their powers.