Nat Geo WILD presents its Eighth Annual Big Cat Week with some of the most savagely beautiful, action-packed stories and cinematography the world has ever seen.  It showcases lions in Tanzania, cheetahs in Kenya, tigers of India, jaguars of Brazil and more fierce felines.

Big Cat Week is shown globally in 140 countries and 37 languages.

Savage Kingdom: Uprising wraps up its impressive glory for this year on Friday with lion king Sekekama’s power being threatened by his sons.  Will he live to reign another day?

Other shows of note include: Jaguar vs. Croc, Man Among Cheetahs, Lion Kingdom, The World’s Most Famous Tiger, and a two-hour broadcast of Nat Geo WILD’s Safari Live, where expert safari guides answer questions.

Something notable is that these specials aren’t just about great entertainment.  It is also about bringing awareness to the world.  National Geographic remains committed to halting the decline of big cats in their natural habitats.  They have always been at the front of on-the-ground research and conservation projects regarding all endangered species.  More info on these initiatives can be found here.

It is not too late. The Big Cat series ends on Friday, Dec. 15, but you can catch all the episodes streaming on Nat Geo WILD. Find out more here.