Helen Mirren, Oscar Winning actress and general queen at life, faced off Tuesday against James Corden on his latest 'Drop the Mic' battle.

The Late Late Show bit started with Mirren's introduction as "the dame who doesn't give a damn," and only got better from there.

The 72-year-old Mirren came out to the applause of the crowd, dressed regally in her crown and cape as she waved like the queen before tossing the crown to the audience. Corden was quick to point out how many times she's done this: "played a queen six times, wow that's real range."

Corden and Mirren went back and forth spitting insults at each other. Corden brought up other acclaimed actresses, Judi Dench and Meryl Streep, as well as mocking her for not being in James Bond or a teacher at Hogwarts. Then he took her crown back claiming himself as the new king.

Mirren had the last laugh, though. "Women are a force to be reckoned with and I reckon I wrecked you, you've been to hell and back again, bitch," Mirren ends her rap.

Helen Mirren wrote the headline herself: "Helen Mirren can rap."

Watch the whole clip below.