It has become a well-loved tradition to have older, wiser people send off recent college graduates with advice and life experience.

Of course, throughout years of schooling, teachers, parents, peers, coaches, counselors, and others all give students advice. However, commencement speeches are usually given by notable figures in the community; otherwise, they might be given by celebrities or nationally important people.

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Celebrities are fun to have as commencement speakers, because you get a speech that's probably more laid-back than others, and is most likely pretty funny. The advice is from someone you may have heard of, and probably admire.

Celebrity speeches take graduation and turn it into something much more entertaining than a politician you've never heard of would.

Generally, commencement speeches are meant for speakers to share their experiences, along with their advice for the new graduating class.

Click next to check out some celebrities who have given commencement speeches!

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