Day 24 in the Big Brother house.

Tensions are high in the house after the nomination ceremony. The Level 6 side of the house is upset, especially #TheBros Winston and Brett. They know they have to win the veto to make sure they can both stay. Scottie is happy that he is making this big move. The other half of the house is also happy that they aren’t the targets this week.

Winston and Brett each go have their own talks with Scottie. Both talks are pretty straightforward. Brett respects his move but thinks it was the wrong move. Scottie doesn’t seem as charmed this time around. Winston is much more heated and goes right to Scottie and tells him that he better hope he goes home this week because Scottie has become his new target. A line in the sand has been drawn and it should make for a very interesting veto competition.

Level 6 starts thinking post-veto who could go up if one of #TheBros comes off. They suggest Kaitlyn would be good…since she has had a hand in both evictions so far this season. HOH Scottie, nowness Winston & Brett will play in the POV Competition along with Tyler, Rachel and Rockstar. It’s only three weeks in but its easily the most important veto competition so far.

This completion is called #MammaMiaMadness. It is obviously Mamma Mia themed and the winner not only gets the Power of Veto, but they will also win a trip to the Greek Islands! The competition has each HG spin around 15 times to earn 30 seconds on their clocks. They must stack all of their champagne glasses into a tower while not letting their clock time run out. I don’t think Rockstar is winning this one. #TheBros are also struggling through this competition. It’s coming down to Scottie and Rachel. In a very close battle, Scottie just beats out Rachel to win the Power of Veto. Scottie has all the power this week and #TheBros are in trouble. They need a plan to somehow convince Scottie to save one of them.

I will admit Hayleigh's Hamlet punishment is funny. She has to read the entire play until she has finished it. She has to read it all over the house whenever she is told to. It slowly seems to be putting the house to sleep.

#TheBros are frustrated and have one last move they can try to make. They discuss the idea of going to make a final three deal with Scottie. They go to talk with him quickly and basically pitch a final three deal and that they should backdoor Kaitlyn this week. It’s an interesting plan but I honestly don’t think Scottie has any intention of following through with this plan. My thoughts are correct as Kaitlyn wakes up after having a “vision” that #TheBros were trying to make her the target this week. Scottie confirms this and this sets her off and now we are in for some drama. It wasn’t as good as I thought as Kaitlyn calls out #TheBros and Brett tells her he did suggest she should be the next target. Kaitlyn is all over the place and I hope she is leaving the house soon.

It’s time for the Veto Meeting. I don’t expect Scottie to use the veto to save either of them. Brett’s speech is incredible. He mocks Kaitlyn and it has the HG all chuckling under their breath. Scottie is feeling powerful this week. One of #TheBros will remain this week. It would be amazing if Sam would use her power this week. It would shake the house up so much.

Who will be evicted from the Big Brother house…Winston or Brett?

Find out Thursday night at 9 p.m. only on CBS!

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