It’s Day 23 in the Big Brother house and Scottie has just won HOH.

Everyone does the usual congratulations and paranoia is going throughout the house. The rest of FOUTTE is wondering who flipped. Hayleigh is convinced Scottie flipped. Rockstar also thinks this is possible. They try telling Faysal this and he is very unsure. He doesn’t know who to trust. #TheBros Winston and Brett are also concerned because Scottie can be unpredictable. They aren’t sure what he is thinking.

“Scottie the Evil Genius” is in charge this week and #TheBros are right to be worried. They are his target for the week because he thinks they need to be split up. He wants to talk to everyone in the house and find out the truth about the Steve vote and to ask everyone who they think the biggest threat is. Most people tell him the truth about the Steve vote (except #TheBros who voted to keep Sam). Tyler does his best to try and deflect Scottie’s plan but it doesn’t seem to be working and he can’t reveal too much or else he will figure out about Tyler being in the Level 6 alliance.

#TheBros really might become a major target after Sam’s talk with Scottie. She spills the beans and tells Scottie that Winston/Brett voted to keep her safe (when they had told Scottie they had voted to keep Steve). Sam tells them this and Winston knows he might now be a strong target this week. Both of #TheBros do their best to take targets off their back. Winston’s attempt isn’t the best as he tries to tell Scottie that he lied to Sam. Winston is just getting caught in a web of lies. Brett’s attempt to reason with Scottie is much better. Scottie wants to believe everything that he is saying. #TheBros could definitely be in trouble this week and I’m thinking Winston might be the main target.

The BB App Store is open for the final time this season. This could be good for #TheBros.

Neither of them gets a Power App or a Crap App. Hayleigh gets the final Crap App. Her punishment is reading Shakespeare’s Hamlet in a costume. I’m shocked to see Bayleigh be the most trending HG. She selects the Identity Theft power. She can steal the identity of the HOH through the 1st half of the game and secretly make nominations. That is huge. The house is aware of three different powers in play. If I won one of these Power Apps I would not say a word. Hayleigh reveals she got the final Crap App.

Sam has only one more week to use her power. A big decision for her. She goes to Tyler/Kaycee for advice. A good plan would be for Sam to use her power to potentially save a Level 6 member.

The whole house is very unsure about what Scottie is actually going to do. Brett tells his alliance that he had a great talk with Scottie. He is hoping that maybe he convinced Scottie to nominate Rockstar and Hayleigh. Bayleigh goes to chat with Scottie to feel out his thoughts. They can relate to each other since they both lost their closest person in the house.

It’s time to find out who Scottie the Evil Genius is nominating for eviction. The house circles up at the table as they wait for Scottie’s nominations. This is the first time that Level 6 will feel the pressure as #TheBros Winston and Brett are nominated. They are the strongest duo in the house and he is going after them. It’s a good move for Scottie. Tyler knows this is bad for Level 6. #TheBros are focused and will be coming after Scottie.

Who will win the Power of Veto? Will it be used to save Brett or Winston from eviction?

Find out on a new episode of Big Brother this Wednesday at 9 p.m.  

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