It’s Day 17 in the Big Brother house and the plan to backdoor Swaggy C this week is still a go. He is Kaitlyn’s target this week and as long as the Veto competition goes to plan, Swaggy C will be sitting in a nomination chair come Thursday night.

FOUTTE is happy with the nominations and think that Winston is for sure going home this week. They have no idea that Kaitlyn is just days away from completely blindsiding them. #TheBros Winston and Brett feel good about the week but are also slightly concerned and Winston just wants to win the veto to be 100 percent safe.

HOH Kaitlyn, nominees Winston & Scottie will play in the Veto competition along with Faysal, Rachel and Tyler. Kaitlyn makes an interesting move by telling Faysal not to win the veto. She tells him he doesn’t want to come off as too big of a target. Risky move Kaitlyn. She doesn’t want to cause any suspicion. We get a visit from BB19’s Jessica and Cody as they are here to introduce the Veto competition. It’s nice to see them again and we find out they are getting married.

The POV competition this week has the HG playing individually with the new BB Dating App. It’s pretty simple. They have to match former HGs to their perfect dating spot. The quickest time will bring home the veto. This looks like a pretty fun competition.

Rachel and Kaitlyn are the first two to go. Rachel does well…Kaitlyn not so much. I want Kaitlyn just to win so Swaggy C for sure goes up. Winston does the worst as he maxes out his time and Scottie doesn’t do much better. Tyler and Faysal both do well. It is close between Rachel, Tyler and Faysal. Tyler is the winning time with 5:29, beating Rachel by 20 seconds. Tyler brings home the Power of Veto. It looks like the plan to backdoor Swaggy C is still in motion.      

Tyler is happy to make this decision while Kaitlyn is immediately nervous and conflicted. Tyler does his best to keep her on track. She is doing so well but I have a feeling that she is going to let it slip.

She does just that as Hayleigh is the first person she tells that she is going to backdoor Swaggy C. Hayleigh doesn’t like the move but has to go along with it. She obviously goes and tells Rockstar. I really don’t get why Kaitlyn said anything at all. Rockstar warns Faysal that something is up. Kaitlyn goes to talk to Faysal and apologizes for what she has to do this week and hopes they can still be friends.

We take a brief pause to talk about how funny it was watching Rachel’s Crap App play out. She had a “yell reviewer” follow her around and yell at her for 24 hours about various things. It was pretty funny and definitely will give the other HG hope that they will not be the least trending HG.

It’s time for the Veto Meeting. A decent part of the house knows what is about happen. Tyler does his speech and uses the POV to remove Scottie from the chopping block. Kaitlyn walks up in tears as Faysal whispers to Swaggy C that something is up. Kaitlyn tearfully nominates Swaggy C as the replacement nominee. He is completely stunned. Kaitlyn is an emotional wreck but is proud of herself. FOUTTE is upset while Tyler is happy with the way things turned out. I think Kaitlyn has made a big move but also put a target on her back.

Who will be evicted next from the Big Brother house…Winston or Swaggy C?

Find out this Thursday night at 9 p.m. only on CBS!