Is it the end of #TheBromance tonight? Winston and Brett are on the block and one is going home unless Sam decides to use her bonus life power to save one of them. I would love to see here do that and really shake up the game.
#ButFirst the house is clearly divided. Day 27 in the BB house and #TheBros know they are in trouble and they don’t want to campaign against each other. Level 6 is torn on what they should do this week. They are leaning towards keeping Brett because he is a competition beast and Winston is more of a liability. The other side of the house is leaning towards voting out Brett. Both sides know they need six votes to secure the eviction and once again, JC and Sam could be the swing votes.
Tyler has been playing a great game so far but now his true colors might be exposed soon. He is loyal to Level 6 but is also playing Kaitlyn very well and she is convinced he is working with them. He needs to be careful how he plays the vote this week. I would seriously love to see Sam use her Power App to save one of them. It’s also nice to see a glimpse into Sam’s background as we get a quick visit to her hometown and we see how much support she has. She seems like a nice person and I think an early contender for America’s Favorite Player.
It’s time for the live eviction. Will the house be shocked by a surprising power or will one of #TheBros be heading home?
Brett kills it with another excellent speech trying to make some waves right before the votes. It’s yet another close vote as four of the first six votes are to evict Brett. It’s not looking good for him but as the vote sits at a 5-5 tie, Sam is the deciding vote. She looks sad as she votes to evict Winston. Winston is the third HG evicted by a 6-5 vote.
Winston quickly storms out of the house after hugging his bro. The drama then starts to pick up as Kaitlyn’s side of the house is shocked. Rockstar goes off on Brett about his comments he made right before the eviction.
This season is so good. So much drama and we are only through three evictions.
Winston is truly speechless and thought he was safe this week. He is truly pulling for Brett and hopes the rest of his alliance crumbles. I would love a BattleBack and would love to see him back in the house.
It’s time for the next HOH competition and this looks like it will be our first endurance competition. It’s called “Out on a Limb” and its pretty simple…the last HG standing on their limb will be the next HOH. I would like to see Level 6 get the power back while I’m sure “The Others” (that’s what I’m calling what is left of the FOUTTE alliance) want to have the power for another week.
Who will be the next HOH? Who will they nominate for eviction?
Find out on the next new episode of Big Brother this Sunday night at 8 p.m. only on CBS.