Julie Chen welcomes us to the second live eviction of the season. Who will be going home next…Winston or Swaggy C? The better game move would be Swaggy C but he is gong to do his best to get the votes this week.

#ButFirst we go back to Day 20 in the BB house. The house is shaken after the Veto Meeting. Swaggy C is speechless. FOUTTE appears to be officially done. Kaitlyn is still an emotional wreck over the big game move she just made. I just hope if it comes down to a 6-6 vote, Kaitlyn would stand by her big move and evict Swaggy C.

It’s time for the usual campaigning. FOUTTE knows they need seven votes for Swaggy C to stay. Winston knows Level 6 has his back but is still a bit nervous being on the nomination block. Sam and JC could be the two swing votes this week. Faysal seems to not trust Kaitlyn. That should be obvious. Swaggy C goes to work to try and secure a vote from Sam this week by opening up to her. He also talks to Kaitlyn and tries to use her emotions to also try and sway her. Tyler does his best, again to try and remind Kaitlyn that getting rid of Swaggy C is the best move for their game.

It’s now time for the next live eviction. Swaggy C or Winston will be heading out of the house next. Swaggy C delivers his final speech…well as you expect that he would. Winston’s speech is a bit more reserved. The first six votes have us at 3-3 tie. In a shocking move, Scottie flips and decides to vote out Swaggy C. The second straight week someone has flipped. I’m sure we will find out more about this. The next four votes are also to evict Swaggy C as he is the second houseguest evicted by an 8-4 vote.

Swaggy C quickly says his goodbyes and goes to talk with Julie outside the house. He thinks the entire house is soft and that you can’t trust anyone there. He had plans to go in the game and play in the middle and not call the shots, but he says everything changes once you go inside the house. He does love Bayleigh and I’m sure is pulling for her or Faysal to bring it home.

It is time for the next HOH competition. Level 6 has had the power the last two weeks. Can they make it three in a row or will the power shift against them? The competition is called “Product Launch” and the HG have to watch videos and answer true/false questions. The last one standing is the new HOH. Kaycee is the first one out. Another week of laying low for her. The second question takes a big chunk of HG out leaving Sam, Scottie, Rockstar, Faysal and Rachel competing for HOH.

Sam, Rockstar and Faysal are the next three out and it comes down to Scottie and Rachel for HOH. They go to the tiebreaker question. Scottie outsmarts Rachel to be the next HOH. I’m intrigued now, especially since he flipped this week and voted his buddy Swaggy C out of the house. Scottie could be a bit of a wildcard so his nominations this Sunday will be interesting.

Who will Scottie nominate for eviction? Find out this Sunday night at 8 p.m. only on CBS!

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