We go back to Day 58 inside the Big Brother house where the endurance HOH has begun. It’s Level 6 vs. The Hive. Faysal is out to an early lead in the competition. He is tired of being blindsided every week. Faysal knows it's him and Haleigh against the house. JC and Kaycee are definitely not winning this competition. Faysal, Scottie and Tyler are the top three in this competition. Scottie and Faysal are battling to the very end when Scottie ends up wiping out which gives Faysal the opening he needs to be the next HOH. It looks like another uphill battle for Level 6. “Is this the week that our luck finally runs out?” Tyler could be right about this.

Faysal is happy to be HOH and is over all of the lying inside the house. Haleigh is still upset and Scottie quickly tells her he was the one vote to keep Rockstar. Tyler still has his Power App which can keep him safe. We also find out about JC’s master plan to pin the blame on Scottie this week. The plan will be Brett is going to say he was the one vote to keep Rockstar and JC is going to convince Faysal that Scottie is the one who has been flipping every week. I like this plan. It also seems like Faysal wants to target one of the guys. He seems to not care which one of the guys go home.

JC immediately starts telling Faysal his plan #BlameScottie. He is a great manipulator and seems to have Faysal convinced. JC then tells Level 6 about this plan and how he is 100 percent confident that he can get Faysal to target Scottie this week. The entire house goes to visit Faysal’s HOH room. He reads an emotional letter from his parents, then he gets right down to business. He tells the HG he isn’t talking to any of them and wants to know who the one vote was to keep Rockstar. Scottie says he was. Brett then speaks up and says it was him. This leads to Scottie/Kaycee throwing insults at each other. It’s pretty obvious that someone is lying and right now, Faysal isn’t sure who to believe.

The next step of the #BlameScottie plan is for JC to go to Haleigh and tell her that Scottie likes him. He will be using this to make Faysal jealous. He then tells Haleigh and Faysal about Scottie’s feelings for Haleigh. He has Faysal convinced that Scottie is coming after them. Haleigh is close to Scottie and thinks they will be safe, but Faysal seems to be buying what JC is saying. Scottie has a feeling that Level 6 is trying to control another HOH. Haleigh warns Scottie to go talk to Faysal. Faysal and Scottie have a chat where Scottie tries to clear his name. It doesn’t seem to work as it seems pretty clear that Faysal is going to target Scottie this week.

Haleigh is doing all she can to plead with Faysal to nominate Scottie since he is going to be a number for their side. He doesn’t trust Scottie and I even think he is a bit jealous of Scottie. It’s time for the Nomination Ceremony where Faysal sticks to his intentions. He nominates Brett & Scottie for eviction. He tells them both they are nominated because they both claimed to be the one vote to keep Rockstar and that someone is lying. Haleigh looks crushed that this is happening. Faysal doesn’t trust either one of them. Scottie thinks this beyond a stupid move. JC feels happy that #BlameScottie is working so far. “Let’s go play a veto!”

Who will win the Power of Veto? Will they use it to save Brett or Scottie from eviction?

Find out this Wednesday night at 8 p.m. only on CBS!