Raqu Raqu

Raqu Raqu January 20, 2014

Serena Williams is a powerful athlete and a positive competitor for the sport tennis. Sometimes…

Raqu Raqu January 19, 2014

Gun violence in schools has been escalading in this country over the past few years.…

Raqu Raqu January 19, 2014

Women birthing children is no big surprise in our history, but a nun giving birth…

Raqu Raqu January 18, 2014

Typically the Yuengling name is associated with traditional American beer. Now consider ice cream for…

Raqu Raqu January 18, 2014

Diabetes has become commonplace in America and those individuals affected have learned to cope with…

Raqu Raqu January 16, 2014

The pizza chain wants to attract more customers by having an option to buy by…

Raqu Raqu January 16, 2014

Rapper Armando Perez, actress Regina King, and football star Drew Brees all celebrate their birthdays…

Raqu Raqu January 15, 2014

Computer updates are routine, but the latest workings from Microsoft plan to be a big…

Raqu Raqu January 14, 2014

When people believe in a movement strongly, they ban together and protest their views. The…

Raqu Raqu January 14, 2014

Rudy Hummel is a 17-year-old boy who enjoys the outdoors. In fact, he enjoys it…