Celebrity Birthdays
Today is the 76th birthday of Sir Patrick Stewart. He is as known for his…
Quintessential movie star, Harrison Ford, born on July 13, 1942 was recently at a gala…
Olivia de Havilland, the last surviving star of the 1939 epic film Gone with the Wind, is celebrating…
Marilyn Monroe would have been 90 years old today. Never has there been a celebrity…
Today, May 27, is the birthday of actor Sir Christopher Lee. Though he passed away…
Celebs don't let their celeb friends' birthdays go unnoticed, right? Such is certainly the case…
Drake made a guest appearance during Rihanna's Anti tour concert while she was singing "Work"…
Here's some adorable news that we can all swoon over! On March 3, singer Justin Timberlake…
Lupita Nyong'o may currently be starring in Eclipsed on Broadway, but that doesn't mean she's…
It's been a busy week for Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran. The former tourmates took…