Boehner and Eric Cantor are trying to rally GOP lawmakers behind the two-step plan
Blagojevich’s attorneys have issued a 158-page motion describing the proceedings as “fundamentally unfairâ€
The daughter of a fundraiser has accused Wu of making “aggressive and unwanted sexual behaviorâ€
Shia LaBeouf isn't wasting any time kick-starting his post-Transformers career. After announcing that the franchise's…
Obama: “The American people may have voted for a divided government, but they didn’t vote…
Harry Reid calls U.S. House’s decision to take weekend off with August 2 deadline looming ‘untoward’
The GOP’s “Cut, Cap, and Balance†plan is considered dead on arrival in the Democratic-controlled…
The proposal includes $3.7 trillion in spending cuts over the next 10 years and an…
Obama’s continuously evolving views on gay marriage have been praised by advocates and blasted by…
Obama currently holds a seven-point lead over Romney among adults and a two-point lead among…
Obama held a news conference in Washington on Friday to address ongoing deficit-reduction talks