Richard O'Brien has had an amazing theatrical career of course surrounding his famous Rocky Horror…
INTERVIEW WITH VERTICAL HORIZON FROM ARCHIVES DM) But I must admit I've been looking forward to this…
Growing up in the music business, Amanda Hunt-Taylor knew at the age of three what…
INTERVIEW WITH VERVE PIPE FROM ARCHIVES DM) It seemed that with the popularity of the song, Freshmen,…
David Mead, up and coming singer songwriter, new found New Yorker, and a rather interesting…
INTERVIEW WITH SLAUGHTER FROM ARCHIVES DM) Your band has been around for quite some time…
INTERVIEW WITH ADAM WEST BAND FROM ARCHIVES DM) Does Adam West himself know of your band…
INTERVIEW WITH DEREK TRUCKS FROM ARCHIVES DM) How's the tour with the Allmans going? DT) Very well.…
INTERVIEW WITH RICHARD X. HEYMAN FROM ARCHIVES DM) How was it playing drums for such…
As a singer/sewing machine, Al Rose counts his influences in all the major food groups....Dylan,…