You might be seeing a lot of this message posted on Facebook:

We are asking everyone to say a prayer for "Darkhorse" 3rd Battalion 5th Marines and their families. They are fighting it out in Afghanistan and they have lost nine Marines in four days. Praying for all our soldiers. PLEASE REPOST. IT WOULD BE NICE TO SEE THIS ON ......EVERYONE'S WALL.

This message is meant to highlight the significant losses the 3rd Battalion 5th Marines (3/5) have suffered. The Battalion is nicknamed “Darkhorse,” based out of Marine Corps Base Camp in Pendleton, California.

“Darkhorse” consists of about 1000 Marines and Sailors.

More recently, during the last 4 days, the “Darkhorse” Battalion has lost 9 Marines.

Be sure to forward this post to support those Marines and their families. The message is meant to emphasize the true heroes fighting for our country, and those who have risked their lives to fight.

Source: Wikipedia