House Speaker John Boehner bluntly and aggressively pleaded with Republican lawmakers to back his two-step debt-ceiling proposal during a closed-door meeting early Wednesday, demanding wavering colleagues to “get your ass in line.”
During Wednesday’s meeting, held in the basement of the Capitol, members of the GOP expressed their displeasure with the Republican Study Committee for sending emails to outside conservative groups in hopes of encouraging lawmakers to oppose Boehner’s plan.
“Fire him, fire him!” enraged House Republicans chanted at Paul Teller, the RSC staffer responsible for the tactic, Politico reports.
A vote on Boehner’s proposal was postponed until Thursday after a Congressional Budget Office report indicated that it would cut $150 billion less than he intended.
Majority Leader Eric Cantor revealed after the meeting that wavering House Republicans who were initially opposed to the bill are starting to come around in possible support of the plan.
“I’d almost put my retirement check on it,” Rep. Allen West said of the speaker’s reworked plan being passed by the House. “From what I saw in there, there’s been a pretty good change of heart. I think that Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and President Obama are going to be kind of surprised tomorrow night.”