Jeb Bush, former governor of Florida, has a conversation at the 2011 The Milken Institute Global Conference in Beverly Hills, California May 2, 2011. REUTERS/Fred Prouser (UNITED STATES - Tags: BUSINESS POLITICS)

Jeb Bush, a former two-term Florida governor and the younger brother of former President George W. Bush, told the current field of Republican presidential hopefuls that they will have to do more than criticize President Obama if they hope to remove him from the White House.

“It’s good to be critical of the president – I think the president means well, but his policies have failed,” he said in an interview with Fox News’ Neil Cavuto on Tuesday.

“But just to stop there and say, ‘I’m going to win because I’m against what’s going on’ is not good enough. You have to win with purpose if you really want to make these big changes.”

Bush declined to endorse a specific candidate at this time, but he admitted to being an admirer of Mitt Romney and dispelled rumors of a rift between his family and Rick Perry.

“I’ve never heard anyone in my family say anything but good things about Rick Perry,” he said. “Not with my brother, my dad, not with me at all. I admire him and I think Texas has got a great story and he can legitimately talk about that story as a candidate for president.”