Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney issued a statement early Monday to address the debt-ceiling bill reached by President Obama and Congressional leaders after remaining tight-lipped on the topic of deficit reduction over the past few weeks.
“While I appreciate the extraordinarily difficult situation President Obama’s lack of leadership has placed Republican members of Congress in, I personally cannot support this deal,” he told The New York Times.
The former governor of Massachusetts continued to condemn Obama’s leadership capabilities and voiced support for the GOP’s “Cut, Cap, and Balance” proposal that passed the House last week.
“As president, my plan would have produced a budget that was cut, capped, and balanced – not one that opens the door to higher taxes and puts defense cuts on the table," he said. "President Obama’s leadership failure has pushed the economy to the brink at the 11th hour and 59th minute.”
Romney’s statement has been interpreted as an attempt to appeal to Tea Party Republicans who are opposed to the debt-ceiling bill and any other proposal that includes increased tax revenue.
While Romney does not approve of the action being taken in Washington, he received some good news in a disclosure report filed with the Federal Election Committee. The Restore Our Future PAC raised a staggering $12.2 million from just 90 donors in the first two quarters of the current year, The Huffington Post confirms.