Underworld Awakening, directed by Mans Marlind and Bjorn Stein, is the fourth instalment of the Underworld franchise. After being imprisoned for 12 years Selene, played by Kate Beckinsale, finally escapes only to find a world she no longer recognises. Humans have discovered the existence of the two immortal races, lycans and vampires and now hunt them with one sole purpose, extinction.
I am sure most of you are aware of the Underworld films, but for those of you who are not, then here is a brief recap. There are two secret races of immortals, vampires and lycans (or werewolves to you and me). These two races have been battling for centuries, neither sure which side started it but determined they will be the one to end it. Our main character Selene is a vampire warrior who must now seek to understand what has happened to the world during the time of her captivity and find a way to help her kind.
The one notable star in this film is Kate Beckinsale who plays the lycra wearing vampire warrior Selene. Kate has been with this franchise in every film except Underworld: Rise of the Lycans and she has given some solid performances in the previous films. I see no reason why she will not deliver again. Kate is the Underworld franchise, and to lose her again would be to lose the main thing holding this series of films together.
The CGI in the past three films have been excellent, mainly focusing on the lycans' ability to shift into werewolf form, very scary indeed. From what footage I have seen from Awakening we can expect to see more effects, more epic battles between our two immortal races, and a lot of clumsy humans getting in the way. Awakening promises to be an action packed, adrenaline pumping, blood fuelled vamp verses wolf film with the odd human sprinkled here and there.
Underworld Awakening is out in cinemas everywhere January 20. So get yourselves to the cinema tonight and prepare to be entertained, beats staying in right.
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