Did you have a hard time falling asleep last night? Or did you wake up a few times in the middle of the night? You’re not alone. Millions of Americans didn’t sleep well last night either. Probably a few less than that, if they were using Dream Water.

Maybe you noticed Dream Water in the drug store right alongside the liquid shots of caffeine and didn’t pay much attention to it. Maybe you were nervous about the morning fuzz sleep aids usually bring and didn’t give it a second glance. Maybe you’ve just accepted sleeplessness as a way of life.

Let me tell you why I ended up trying it.

Trust me it wasn’t the celebrity endorsements of Bruce Willis or Khloe Kardashian. Bill Clinton’s name attached to it was interesting though. I have a ridiculously hard time shutting down for the night. As a mom and as an employee I am constantly on the go. Whether it’s transporting the kids from one activity to another, or making sure the latest news is covered, my brain is always bouncing from one thought to another, so restful sleep is hard to come by.

I know I’m not the only one who’s always “on.” Between juggling multiple or high-pressure jobs, children, families, and the ever happening crises, it’s hard to tear your brain away from life’s stresses. Even downtime is fully engaging. Between TV, smart phones, tablets and video games there is rarely a moment of peace. So when it’s time to try to sleep there are just some nights that you just stare at the ceiling thinking you may as well get up and do the dishes ‘cause sleep isn’t happening.

Dream Water isn’t just another sleep aid. While it contains melatonin, a natural hormone that induces sleep, it also has GABA, a neurotransmitter that helps you relax and reduces anxiety and 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan), the amino acid found in turkey, that improves the quality of sleep. So, it calms your whole body instead of just knocking you out.

My first night with it I took it the recommended half hour before I wanted to be asleep. Within 20 minutes I was ready to put my head down and say goodnight. I did wake up during the night – I do that even with prescription sleep aids – but instead of fully waking up and not being able to fall back asleep, I just rolled over and was back to bliss.

The next morning I was able to get up and did not have any aftereffects from using it. I know that’s a big thing for people with over-the-counter sleep aids. And because my whole body was relaxed I didn’t have the usual aches that come with tossing and turning all night.
I’ve used Dream Water a few nights now and feel like a better person in the morning. And that was the goal of Dream Products, LLC. Did I mention it was created by three guys - David Lekach, Vincent Porpiglia, and Joseph Lekach? So, it’s not produced or promoted by a big company, it’s a couple of hard-working guys with a start-up company.

The other great thing about Dream Water, aside from it tasting good and being zero calories – each 2.5 oz shot comes in three flavors, Snoozeberry, Lullaby Lemon, Pineapple PM – you can wake up from it. I know one of my concerns is always being able to get up - what if there’s an emergency? The all-natural ingredients are meant to help, not force you into resting, so you can get up if necessary.

I would recommend this product to anyone having trouble falling asleep. Definitely give Dream Water a try.

I do have to tell everyone to use any sleep aid with caution. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist first if you are on any prescription medications regarding possible interactions. It is also not recommended for anyone under the age of 18, pregnant or nursing women.

Dream Water is available in over 20,000 locations including Wal-Mart, Walgreens, CVS/Pharmacy, Duane Reade, and many others; also available in travel and airport retail locations including Hudson News and Paradies Shops.

For more information go to the Dream Water website.