Collin MacKechnie is a 15-year-old child actor and the latest victim of a Twitter impersonator.

A Twitter account with his name as the Twitter handle appeared online back in March which fans began to follow and tweet messages to. Fans would receive messages back with answers only he could know, he would post pictures of himself along with pictures from the Facebook accounts of family and friends and he even announced he was cast in The Hunger Games sequel, as reported by ABC News.

Eventually the tweets changed to messages to female fans around his age in which he said he'd meet up with them and a tweet revealing he was gay. The impersonator was found out by MacKechnie's parents who then contacted the local police in Vancouver, Canada, his school, the user behind the @CollinMcKechnie account and the account's followers.

The impersonator not only lied about who he was but also about MacKechnie being gay and being cast in The Hunger Games sequel.

"It's creepy to think there's enough out there about me that someone could make this all up. They could search out my name and open and click on pictures from my friends' Facebooks and take everything," MacKechnie told ABC News.

Aside from the child actor, who has appeared on Supernatural and in the children's movie Vampire Dog, having an impersonator, there was also worry about a predator being involved due to the tweets to young female fans.

"Often in these investigations, there is a situation where a predator is involved. That person may have had no previous relationship with the victim. In a bullying situation, the perpetrator tends to know the victim," Staff Sgt. Mark Sorokan of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police was quoted by ABC News.

The impersonator has now come clean about the situation but has not revealed who he is.

"I know you all gonna hate me for this, but you have to admit I was like one of the top 10 Twitter impersonators of all time! Its been a great ride! A magnified inside-look, on what being a lil famous is like. I urge you to go out and impersonate an upcomer. What an experience it's been," the impersonator tweeted as reported by the Daily Mail.

The account's name is now changed to the Collin MacKe Fan Club.