Brad Pitt’s World War Z is already known to have issues, but the June issue of Vanity Fair gives a closer look into its troubles.

After Paramount executives were unhappy with the ending, 40 minutes of the movie had to be reshot in order to make the film more comprehensive.

The trailer was released in November of last year, and its release date was pushed back due to reshooting.

Screenwriter Damon Lindelof told Vanity Fair “We started shooting the thing before we locked down how it was going to end up, and it didn’t turn out the way we wanted it to.’”

After the director’s cut was screened, no one spoke a word. “It was, like, Wow. The ending of our movie doesn’t work,” said a Paramount exeutive, Gossip Cop reports.

Among problems with the ending and on set, the budget skyrocketed to $200 million. The movie did eventually get finished, although it was described as a “nightmare” overall.

World War Z will come out this summer.

Here’s the trailer:

image: Vanity Fair