A Colorado pro-gun billboard which features Native American’s is causing a stir. While some are cheering on the anonymous group for the advertisement others are calling it “insensitive.”

“Turn in your arms. The government will take care of you," the billboard reads with sarcastic undertones. According to CNN, the billboard is situated 50 miles north of Denver in the town of Greeley. Greeley residents have expressed their thoughts on the billboard, which was purchased by a group who wants to remain anonymous.

"I think it is insensitive, because even though it is what may have happened in the past, people are still living that. Relatives are still living that," Greeley resident Kerri Salazar tells 9 News.

Continuing she states, "I personally do not own a gun. I don't feel the need to, but for those that do, that is their right. My hope would be is that they can just take the picture down, leave the saying. ... Believe me, I get it."

Maureen Brucker, on the other hand, insists that the billboard brings back horrific reminders of the Wounded Knee Massacre on the Pine Ridge Reservation in 1890.

“I thought it was pretty cowardly that someone would put something like that up and spend the money for a billboard but didn't have the courage to put their name on it," Brucker explains of the anonymous advertisers.

There are some, however, who support the billboard.
“Where can we send a check to support more?” Dudley Brown, Rocky Mountain Gun Owners director asks CNN.

“You don't do this,” Brucker contests telling 9 News, “You don't take something that is indicative of an ethnicity and use it to prove your point. It is just not acceptable. No matter what the ethnicity, no matter what the point, you don't do it.”